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Thread: Help with isuzu rodeo transmission fluid change - needed asap !!!

  1. #1
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    Help with isuzu rodeo transmission fluid change - needed asap !!!

    Don't know if anyone will know here but its my best bet since the isuzu forum is deserted. My 2002 isuzu rodeo rwd 3.2L automatic has been acting up lately. It jumps when it shifts or shifting is very delayed. Last minute before a vacation, I decided to change the atf fluid. I thought it would be a simple task but has proved not to be.

    It is the only auto trans that I have seen that has no dipstick. There is just a drain and fill plug on the bottom of the trans pan. According to the very limited instructions I could find online, I was supposed to drain the fluid through the drain plug, then tighten that back up, then pump trans fluid in the fill plug(which also faces the ground for some unknown reason). According to the instructions, after I get the 4 required quarts in there, I should turn on the engine, and plug it up after the trans fluid is just dribbling out slightly. Then drive around the car for 10 minutes and go through the gears and go back and check it again.

    My experience has proved to be much messier. After filling it through the fill plug, and pulling my tube out, the fluid poured all over the ground. This happened several times and while I am not familiar with automatic transmission, I would say its not safe to have the engine running with hardly any fluid in it(having the engine running was the only way I figured the fluid wouldn't pour all out. I got what I thought was a decent amount in there, turned the engine on, and pulled the tube out (trans fluid poured out) to a dribble. I then pulled the tube out and tightened the plug. Drove around and loosened the plug again while the engine was on, only to have the fluid pour all over again. It slowed to a dribble so I tightened it and that's how it sits. I have no idea how much ATF is in the trans at this point. I would like any advice or experience that anyone may have before I assume the trans is safe and head out for my vacation.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  2. #2
    owner since 2004
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    cheshire, england
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    check round the trans there IS another plug about 1/2 way up the case
    3si is dead long live


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