DSC_0300 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
DSC_0299 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
DSC_0298 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
DSC_0300 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
DSC_0299 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
DSC_0298 by alan92rttt, on Flickr
Cat looks pissed
2021 Charger Scat Pack (Bright White) - Speed Machine
2018 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon (Billet Silver) - Rock Bouncer
2014 Ram 2500 Cummins (Bright White) - Tow Truck
U.S.M.C. 10/87 - 10/93 SEMPER FI
awww puddy tat!
'13 Evolution MR
'12 Lancer Sportback
Free hand moon shot
**Insert Lolcat Comment**
Cat is scary in the first pic. Nice looking pictures though.
-Ricer Evo 8: 8.75 @ 166 Best MPH of 167. Quickest 4G63 Powered Evo in The US!!!
-Chris Cessna's Stock short block Evo 8: 9.76@150 Worlds Fastest Stock Motor Evo 8 and First Stock Block In The 9's!
-Shawna's DD Evo 8: 9.97@143.88 Best MPH of 145 Full leather interior, A/C, navigation, stock brakes, cruisin 9's in style
-Cory's Stock 7 bolt talon: 10.3@136 No crank walk here...
-STM Stock turbo/motor Stealth RT: 10.95@127 Worlds Quyickest/Fastest and most powerful Stock turbo/ motor 3S
-James STM built Pump gas Evo8 stock motor: 10.2@137 Stock long block, and only on pump gas!
-Mike Faggiano Evo3 16g stock motor 1g 11.0@124 just a 16g knockin on 10's door.
And the list goes on...
I love titty tats. And the pictures look CLEAR. What resolution is that?
Always with the pet pics...lol. Well the alien cat one looks nice. Loving the heavy lens yet?
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