He killed two teenage girls while driving 126mph and texting his girlfriend and now believes that he has the right to merit workman's comp.
He killed two teenage girls while driving 126mph and texting his girlfriend and now believes that he has the right to merit workman's comp.
What a prick. Why the fuck is he even talking to ANYONE except dispatch while WORKING/responding/speeding.
Sorry for the vulgar language.
Last edited by terrets; 09-21-2010 at 04:57 PM.
wow, this guy is just a piece of shit.
Maddog Performance Engineering
the bad part is there are more bad cops(it seems) than good ,it is unfortunate, but yeah in this case ?????come on really
Any dollar amount he received should promptly be sued for by the any or all of the families of the girls. Fucker. I don't care that he was a cop---it's just worse that it was.
Ok. I edited my post. But seriously. I got to say there are more bad officers than good. And why isnt he out of a job without pay
Really? I did not know this. That is total bullshit. Its like the story of the officer driving head on toward a bike going 120+ and stopping him with his car :/. They say that is how you are suppose to stop a kid that is running from the police when all he did was a wheelie. I just cant believe some people and what they are thinking.
I've thought cops need to be held more accountable for a while now. i think it would make them a little more honest
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