Originally Posted by
You trust that program enough to find MBT? Is it fairly consistant from pull to pull (wind/slight slope/etc.)?
I wan't too sure until I did this last night. I found the torque responded as expected from pull to pull. I was doing about 0.9* at a time and as I advanced I watched the torque increase (the gains weren't all that big though as the car wasn't running much boost/rpm). The gains disappeared then torque started sliding slowly backwards just like I expected. I went about 1.8* past peak just to make sure the first backwards slides weren't flukes and they weren't. Once that was done I tested within +/- 0.6* around where I found the most to torque to really nail it down.
Once I got into the 4000-4350 range the power gains from the same amount of timing advance were alot more significant (IE 15.9 ft lbs at 4350 from worst to best).
And BTW...I was going the same direction on the same exact section of road all night long.
It works as advertised.