Well today I changed my oil on my 1000mile rebuild to some Brad Penn with a PureOne filter. I was hoping this would be the last super frequent oil change and now wait 3,000 miles until the next one.
Well....if anyone remembers this thread from the other site: http://www.3si.org/forum/f35/ticking...inside-504212/
I'm pretty sure I discovered metallic flakes in my oil. The thing I hate most is that I used an oil drain pan from the school so I can't 100% certain it was clean...but really, how often do metallic flakes show up during an oil change anyways? I doubt our formula car or baja car are spinning bearings. Soo.....I'm done for the season until I can find time and a place to work on the car. As it is right now, its in an enclosed trailer here at school and I have no shop to work on it.
Edit: So here is my new plan of attack. Drop the pan eventually to discover bad bearing(s). Considering this motor will then have had its 3rd bearing incident, I will then not reuse the block or heads at ALL.
New build will have to be as follows:
New block from a car without bearing problems
1st gen heads from car without bearing problems
New oil pump
Polish current crank (hopefully)
Transfer rods
Transfer pistons w/ new rings
New oil cooler
Transfer SS valves
Transfer 99 lifters
No idea what this is going to cost me now....my year is now ruined.
Edit: Anyone have a 2-bolt block and/or 1st gen heads that are in usable condition??