What would cause that?
Your 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL is one of 4310 that received VIN numbers. Based on the order of the serial numbers, your car was the 2685th out of the 4310 that were made that year.
I see big steel cables; they appear to be holding the boat upright?
real question: Why?
Scene for an upcoming movie?
looks like it was being craned into the water, one end of the cables broke... boat plunged in and sank...
anyone know the story behind this?
No, I just found the pic on google.
EPIC FAIL, lol that guy is in for the ride of his life.
-Ricer Evo 8: 8.75 @ 166 Best MPH of 167. Quickest 4G63 Powered Evo in The US!!!
-Chris Cessna's Stock short block Evo 8: 9.76@150 Worlds Fastest Stock Motor Evo 8 and First Stock Block In The 9's!
-Shawna's DD Evo 8: 9.97@143.88 Best MPH of 145 Full leather interior, A/C, navigation, stock brakes, cruisin 9's in style
-Cory's Stock 7 bolt talon: 10.3@136 No crank walk here...
-STM Stock turbo/motor Stealth RT: 10.95@127 Worlds Quyickest/Fastest and most powerful Stock turbo/ motor 3S
-James STM built Pump gas Evo8 stock motor: 10.2@137 Stock long block, and only on pump gas!
-Mike Faggiano Evo3 16g stock motor 1g 11.0@124 just a 16g knockin on 10's door.
And the list goes on...
Wouldn't want to be the guy riding in the boat!
shit like this happens I have seen few in person.
Wtf were the engineers thinking ?
Last edited by mb7050; 09-20-2010 at 12:10 PM.
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