So I had the clutch slave go out the other day. replaced it and the rubber line with 3sx braided line. also thru in a fuel pressure gauge on the fuel rail while i was in there. so i get all that business fixed, put it all back together and start the car. the speedometer jumps around all over hell for a couple minutes, then settles down, guess it was excited to run. so i go for a test drive. i go 2 miles and pull back into the driveway and the tach quits, and the car dies, probably due to the o2 i need replaced. start her back up and find i have no gauges working at all. finally track down the fuse that blew, the wiper fuse. i replaced it. it blew right away again. then i had to leave to see the woman, 2 hours late. anyways, had to tarp the window that wouldnt roll up. i suppose i have a hot wire and ground wire foolin around with eachother. or somethin..... anybody else get this crap? you fix one thing and something totally unrelated gets fubared in the process and then you make the woman upset too (or the man, for all you 3/s ladies out there) ? ahh, the joys of owning your dream car.......