I am hoping to get some suggestions as to what you people do when your upper and lower back feels like its going to break. I almost had my engine in the bay when my back was starting to give and had to abort.
I am hoping to get some suggestions as to what you people do when your upper and lower back feels like its going to break. I almost had my engine in the bay when my back was starting to give and had to abort.
I've got a 95 pound Filipino wife that gives me the asian walking massage.
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Oh yeah, 4 tylenol or ibuprofins....
Three Aleve, in the morning with food and in the evening with food. With food is important, or your stomach will hate you. This is the MAX you should take. This was recommened to me by my wife's DR when I was telling him the pain I was going through (tennis elbow & knee).
But my wife added that if your cannabis is not helping you should probably see a Doctor, if you pulled something you could use a muscle relaxer.....she is a pharmacist BTW.
I just called up this massage place, I think I am going to go in tomorrow because I can actually afford it for once. I want to get this engine in the car first before a massage though. If a massage doesn't help, I will take the no health insurance plunge and go see a doctor.
I can only think of maybe one time I have had pain like this, and that was when I initially hurt my back and I couldn't walk for 2 days. I am forcing myself to keep moving today. The longer I sit still, the more I hurt.
You buy one of these.
15-20 min laying on one of these babies will make you feel like a million bucks after a hard day of working on the car.
GTFO of the engine bay!....thats for engines not people! no wondr you got back pain!
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