Had the power washer come across my wrist at 2500psi. I can't stop bleeding! It has been over an hour. I guess I need to go get some liquid bandaid. :P
Had the power washer come across my wrist at 2500psi. I can't stop bleeding! It has been over an hour. I guess I need to go get some liquid bandaid. :P
No, you need to go to the fucking hospital. Seriously. Drop what you're doing and go now. Look up fluid injection injuries if you need more convincing.
- 24
pics or it didnt happen!
Yeah, not pleasant...
I don't think it was bad enough to actually get water into my system. I know about fluid injection and I would have been more concerned if it was bleeding as bad as it was right away. It took about 2 minutes to even start bleeding. It finally stopped bleeding with enough paper towels.
Suicide via power washer. GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!!
Last edited by blindmist; 09-14-2010 at 02:09 AM.
Looks like a nice grazing. I'd still get it checked out...
Hold your wrist up in the air so blood will stop rushing to the wound. it will stop in a couple minutes
It has been 3 hours and have yet to feel the slightest bit of heart pain. Thats when you know fluid injections are dangerous. You get aches, pains in the chest and left arm. It causes basically a mini heart attack. 3 hours is enough time for my body to take the water out of the blood if there was any introduced.
I am an Eagle Scout, I think I got it handled LOL
Last edited by blindmist; 09-14-2010 at 02:20 AM.
Tis a flesh wound
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