Ok I have a 92 vr4 and I think im going crazy but I smell gas on my dip stick,what should I do?
Ok I have a 92 vr4 and I think im going crazy but I smell gas on my dip stick,what should I do?
That would usually be caused by a leaky injector. How does it run ? Rough at start up ? Black smoke when you first start it ?
You either have ring issues, or are running way too rich. You have aftermarket injectors?
[06-05, 19:29] OhioSpyderman: Brian, finding a woman is NOT the answer, you need to shop for a good VACUUM
Haha, we really need to fix the smilies. I keep doing exactly what you are and using the old smilie code.
Yeah. I obviously knew what you meant. I did it to someone earlier myself.
Car runs strong,cant tell if any black smoke cause I think my vss are bad and I burn oil.
Did check all my piston rings and they all held perfect,I think I run rich,injectors are stock and I have 121,000miles.
I dont have one but when I had my wideband hooked up I would run rich of the charts at WOT,most people told me our cars stock run rich .
First, get that gas filled oil out of the crank case. Then worry about what is causing it.
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