hey checking to see how many people are up here in the oregon, washington area. im here in Salem, Or.
hey checking to see how many people are up here in the oregon, washington area. im here in Salem, Or.
97 VR4 12.41 on stock turbos
91 MR2 13.80 at stock boost
91 stealth TT with a couple bolt ons
and a laundry list of others....
STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still working at ford?
Olympia, going to be Seattle, Wa here.
I'm here... Barely in Oregon. If I lose my footing, I may fall into California...
Northern California aka might as well be oregon.
Help them, for they know not that which they do not know!
CoopKill's Mistress Makeover Thread!
"Punk, Nutswinging, Small Time, Asshat, Monkey, Jerkoff, Loser that rides on other peoples accomplishments!" ..
Is this the Steve I keep hearing about at Grease Monkey when getting oil changed?
The kid there keeps telling about your car/s and how we need to hook up. LOL
He wanted to trade me his TV, Xbox, and girlfriend for my car! I told him the Xbox and girlfriend he would have to pay me to take!
Last edited by CoopKill; 10-30-2010 at 07:20 PM.
Eugene, Oregon.
Last edited by lubirdy; 12-15-2010 at 04:57 PM. Reason: spastic spacebar.
lol i dunno. afaik i didnt know anyone that worked there.
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