A local member and I pulled his fuel pump assembly to swap in a Walbro 341 on Friday afternoon. We were expecting to see a factory Denso, but this showed up instead:
It was zip-tied to the assembly and was formerly a Denso with first section of the part number scratched off.
Close up view.
For comparison, here is a stock Denso versus Denso Supra that I had three weeks ago:
If my research was correct, a Denso "-0872" is a re-worked pump by Kyosan that flows substantial numbers if adequately powered.
The Silvia guys had one flow-tested for 300LPH @13V+40psi.
Ripped Off By NissanSilvia Sponsor? <<
The Supra guys had a few words:
Fuel pump upgrade question (not fitment) <<
Lastly, Corvette Forum:
NEW, The Best in tank fuel pump, denso kyosan 390lph @ 40psi <<
Do we truly have our hands on a sweet ass pump that outflows the Supra?