Copying over from 3si. Project started 08-25-2010, 08:20 PM
So one of the local 3S Guys picked up a 93 Stealth TT last year with the intent to part it out and then scrap it. Well, I was lucky enough to get my hands on it before it went to the crusher! I hate to see these cars crushed especially a Stealth TT.
So Mithrender, Stealthlabel and myself went and hauled it to my house last weekend. Since then I have been stripping what was left of the car down so I can do a full rebuild/restore of the car. I am going to be replacing, repainting, reconditioning every part of the car that I can.
Ignore the rims! They were mounted just so it rolls.
I love the glass top!
Started stripping the interior
The car is originally black so I have a nice base color to start with. The previous owner rattle canned the gray color so I have to sand it all off before I respray the car. I am going to be painting the car flat black with a satin clear. I am going to be using the parts from my 92 FWD/TT as I intend to make a nice Stealth tailor out of that car. I chose to scrap that car as I don't trust the frame with the TT engine since I cut the roof for the targa project.
I started with the engine bay. I stripped out all that I could, decreased it and now I am getting ready to repaint it. I should have it sprayed in the next day or so.
Engine bay stripped!
All of the engine bay parts and wiring harness.
Removed the buckets.
Lots of surface rust
Rust removed & primered, 2nd gen buckets welded in
Prepping for engine bay respray
Here is my list of current mods that I have lined up for the car "More to come":
99 Conversion "Already welded in the new buckets"
Evil Eye hood
ABS Delete
AWS Delete
Intrax lowering springs "Already installed"