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Thread: PCV Valve Fixed My Smoking (I think!)

  1. #1

    PCV Valve Fixed My Smoking (I think!)

    As many of you know im sure, I have been having issues with my car smoking on and off at stop lights for about six months now. The day after I had the 3rd gen lifters installed it started smoking at stop lights. Blue smoke so it was oil. Just recently I came up with the money to have the valve stem seals replaced, the timing belt and well whatever else would need done.

    I was reading on the valve stem seal replacement and it said to check your PCV valve which I had already done, but I was thinking and though well maybe the inlets and outlets that the valve is on are clogged. Well sure as shit, I take mine off and the side that does not screw in but goes over the "nozzle" was clogged. So the actual piece on the motor was clogged. I took a air hose and blew it out and random debris blew everywhere. I put the PCV valve back on and started it......

    It was still smoking and even worse now, Pissed off beyond belief. As I was 60 miles from home when I did this I just drove home thinking that the drive might clear things out. Well, this morning I go out there and let it warm up and idle for eh ~2 min. Way longer than a stoplight and NO SMOKE! Let's just hope it stays that way. Maybe when installing the new lifters some gunk was loosened up and clogged it?!

    So thats my good news. My ? to you is, what should be done now. I have a little extra money set aside now. Besides doing the timing belt, I am thinking about a lightweight Crankshaft Pulley, Not the underdrive. Just the Lightweight one from 3sx. It "says" it adds about 8-10 hp , any input on that?!

    Also, I am thinking about doing all new motor mounts as I have a HUGE clunk when I hit the brakes hard or sometime when Itake off from a stop light , just not as hard.

    Liking the new site! Gotta get my sig and avatar set up!
    Last edited by hazards280; 09-12-2010 at 03:20 PM.
    Ahhh, One last fix. And it would literally be perfect for ......prolly a week BUT! thats still a week of perfection.

  2. #2
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    I'm hoping I am having a pcv issue as well. Not had time to get to it yet.

    As for your extra cash, if you have anything over 120k on the car you might want to do an oil pump while doing the timing belt...

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CoopKill View Post
    I'm hoping I am having a pcv issue as well. Not had time to get to it yet.

    As for your extra cash, if you have anything over 120k on the car you might want to do an oil pump while doing the timing belt...
    True, I have 166k! I will be looking into that right now.

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    IMO I'd stay away from the stock lightweight pulley. no dampening effect. there's a thread in here about it.. shouldn't be hard to find.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jstarr427 View Post
    IMO I'd stay away from the stock lightweight pulley. no dampening effect. there's a thread in here about it.. shouldn't be hard to find.
    Lol Yea with out HUGE archive here. Thanks I will look it up now.

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    Honda Eater
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    when i went to pull off my crank pulley when i had my engine on an engine stand, i was surprised that it was very light, so i took some brake cleaner to get the brown crap/dirt off of it, and found it was a lightweight pulley (bought the car with it installed).

    It works for me perfectly, so i'd say get one. I've heard stuff about having the lightweight crankpulley AND the lightweight flywheel combo, doing harm to your engine, but i dont think it would do any harm. The most i'd think it'd do is free up horse power. Since you're freeing up HP, i think that it MIGHT take away some of the lifetime of the engine bearings.

    Who knows though, i could be wrong.

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    I replace both due to stock pully falling off at the rubber IMO I say go with some motor mounts I put poly in mine a few monthes back due to bad mounts and love them. Then again I would fix the one with major issue first

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike-92RT View Post
    when i went to pull off my crank pulley when i had my engine on an engine stand, i was surprised that it was very light, so i took some brake cleaner to get the brown crap/dirt off of it, and found it was a lightweight pulley (bought the car with it installed).

    It works for me perfectly, so i'd say get one. I've heard stuff about having the lightweight crankpulley AND the lightweight flywheel combo, doing harm to your engine, but i dont think it would do any harm. The most i'd think it'd do is free up horse power. Since you're freeing up HP, i think that it MIGHT take away some of the lifetime of the engine bearings.

    Who knows though, i could be wrong.
    It's all about harmonics. Every time each cylinder fires,the crankshaft flexes. That's only the beginning.

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    you are correct sir. The lightweight crankpulley doesnt have the rubber band at the back of it like the stock pulley has. I dont think the crankpulley is the right way to relieve hidden HP, but i DO think a good way is to get a light flywheel, which is bigger/heavier AND safer to replace lol.


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