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Thread: Annoying grumbling/buzzing coming from rear end (..of the CAR, fools ;) )

  1. #1
    Senior (i.e. OLD) Member :) verified
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    Lightbulb Annoying grumbling/buzzing coming from rear end (..of the CAR, fools ;) )

    About a year ago I had the same problem and someone suggested replacing the inner bearings. I did so and the noise went away......about a month or so ago the noise began to return. Now its as bad (or maybe a bit worse).

    The bearings I put in were OEM (purchased from the now defunct Rockville Mits).

    Should I replace the bearings again? Rip the axles out again and grease the snot out of them? Replace the inners?

    Any opinion is greatly appreciated....

    I should add that the noise is barely audible until you reach 35-40 mph and at highway speeds is fairly annoying...also I JUST replaced the rear diff gear oil (about an hour ago) with no change....

    Last edited by OhioSpyderman; 09-12-2010 at 02:25 PM. Reason: added speed and gear oil change....
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  2. #2
    Did you replace the bearing assemblies AND the inner bearing? Or just the assemblies? Those inner bearings go bad most of the time so replacing the assemblies will do nothing. Also, are you sure it is the bearings and not just road noise from the tires? Check the tires out and make sure there are no cracks or strange wear. Try rotating them and see if the noise moves.

  3. #3
    Senior (i.e. OLD) Member :) verified
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    I replaced just the inner bearings on both sides (what are the assemblies? )

    Pretty sure its not the tires as I have the same tires all the way around....all put on at the same time...


  4. #4
    The assemblies probably need to get replaced. There are two bearings that go bad. The inners which you replaced and the outter bearings which are part of the assembly itself (mitsu calls them rear axle shafts ). Chances are one or both need replacement.

  5. #5
    Senior (i.e. OLD) Member :) verified
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    So, I can't just replace the outer bearings? Ugh....checking prices now....

    Thanks SteveO



    1992 DODGE STEALTH R/T TURBO 3.0L 2972cc 181cid V6 MFI Turbo (C) [6G72-T] DOHC : Brake/Wheel Hub : Axle Shaft Bearing Wiki Price
    SKF Part # GRW165 {#MB290427, MB393801, MB569972} Outside diameter=2.8460"; Width=.667"; Inside diameter=1.3765IN
    AWD; Sealed; 2 required per vehicle; Rear Outer [Wholesaler Closeout - Private Label Pkg. - 30 Day Warranty]


    Found this on Rock Auto, is that not the bearing you're saying is part of the ASSEMBLY?

  6. #6
    All CV boots intact?

    You might want to cut back on the Metamucil.


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