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Thread: Speed Density eManage Ult help

  1. #1
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    Speed Density eManage Ult help

    So I have this emanage ultimate thingy here and I am not quite sure what all I need to do once I get the motor in the car, and what all is really changing here for this setup.

    I understand that the air is no longer going to be metered by the MAF, I need to wire some resistor in for a fixed baro, and I need to some how have the IAT from the MAF going to the EMU, and put a MAP sensor on my plenum.

    So how do I keep from getting a CEL? Do I just cut the MAF apart? What the hell do I really do here?

    I have a Boomslang Stage 2.5 harness here, the Greddy MAP, the A/F Harness (idk what its for, it came with it), and another "option" connector with 2 wires, grey and white on pins 1 and 3 (idk what this is either). It looks exactly like the A/F harness, so I think its the same thing.

    What should my jumpers be on the board?

    Please people. Help me.
    Last edited by blindmist; 09-12-2010 at 06:47 AM.

  2. #2
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    '92 Dodge Stealth RT/TT - Aug. 2012 COTM

  3. #3
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    That link from B-Man is a good source of info but in the spirit of steering away from 3SI: I've never heard of anyone using their stock air temp sensor. It's best to get a GM IAT sensor. That way there is no risk of getting a CEL from that. Did you get the CEL adapter? It's a 2"x2"x1/2" black box that you splice into the harness to prevent a CEL. If you want to make one and save some money I can provide instructions for it. Those two harnesses that are the same are just for whatever options you are adding, the most common are the MAP sensor and A/F sensor.

    Here's link for the GM IAT

    I'm pretty sure the stock y-pipe can be drilled and the IAT can be screwed in, I however have I Dejon Tool y-pipe which is beautiful and has a ton of options available.
    Last edited by Markus Maximus; 09-12-2010 at 10:47 PM.

  4. #4
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    There's been a few people who've hacked the stock MAS (cut it up to keep IAT and Baro sensors) and just mounted it in the engine bay. Of course I can't think of who they were for the life of me.

    Also, you don't NEED an IAT attached to the EMU. I HIGHLY suggest it. I've had several problems when my air adjustment table was zero'd out. I have my GM IAT going to both the ECU and the EMU.
    Last edited by B-Man; 09-13-2010 at 12:37 AM.

  5. #5
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    For some reason, I dont know why, but that, I think, belongs to Trevor. I remember reading on some of this a while back when I decided to do this build. What happened when the air adjustment table was zero'd?

    Thank you BlackStealth

    Now my question is, what happens when moving the IAT to the y-pipe, after the turbos, where the air is much hotter? The MAF gets the IAT before the turbos correct? How else could it get the temp after?

    Also, why cant I just give the EMU the stock IAT if the GM one is so close?
    Last edited by blindmist; 09-13-2010 at 01:06 AM.

  6. #6
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    When I had the air adj. tables zero'd, I would get large swings in my tune depending on time of day/weather (Michigan weather is not all that consistent.

    I'm fairly certain you can use the stock MAS on the EMU. Most people choose knock over IAT anyways.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by B-Man View Post
    When I had the air adj. tables zero'd, I would get large swings in my tune depending on time of day/weather (Michigan weather is not all that consistent.

    I'm fairly certain you can use the stock MAS on the EMU. Most people choose knock over IAT anyways.
    I think I am just going to hack mine apart like Trevor did, that was his pic btw. That way my stock ECU still sees what it wants and should give me less problems from there. I guess this is all really on a "per" car basis. I am assuming these 550cc maps I got for this will be tuned rich enough to go through my first fire, and break in period, then I can go get it dyno-tuned when I get the break-in over with.

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    Just make sure you feed the IAT signal to the EMU as well. That is very important. Ideally you really do want it pre throttle body. Where you are proposing now will give you ambient and under hood temps, but your actual intake temps are what you want since intake temp has a direct correlation to the density of the air going into the engine, you need to be able to set that table up in the EMU software.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monster Stealth View Post
    Just make sure you feed the IAT signal to the EMU as well. That is very important. Ideally you really do want it pre throttle body. Where you are proposing now will give you ambient and under hood temps, but your actual intake temps are what you want since intake temp has a direct correlation to the density of the air going into the engine, you need to be able to set that table up in the EMU software.
    And this is what I was asking about earlier. The stock MAF meters the temp before the turbos. If I eliminate my stock MAF, and give the stock ECU the GM IAT right before the TB, wont the temps be a lot higher, therefore thowing the stock ECU off?

    Wouldn't it just be best to hack the MAF AND get a GM IAT? The stock ECU can have the MAF IAT and the EMU can have the GM IAT.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blindmist View Post
    And this is what I was asking about earlier. The stock MAF meters the temp before the turbos. If I eliminate my stock MAF, and give the stock ECU the GM IAT right before the TB, wont the temps be a lot higher, therefore thowing the stock ECU off?

    Wouldn't it just be best to hack the MAF AND get a GM IAT? The stock ECU can have the MAF IAT and the EMU can have the GM IAT.
    That is one open I guess, I decided against that because I only want one variable for intake temps and fuel, and I want to control it. I am running a fixed temp to the ECU, and then running the GM IAT directly to the EMU. However, I do have a problem with this. At this point in time I do not know the correct pull up resistor (bias resistor), so ambient temps show -3c right now. I am working on it, but so far have no solution other than grabbing a variable resistor and playing with that until it reads ambient, but if I can avoid that and someone already knows the solution I would consider that ideal. I know FRED 62 in France runs it this way, but he has not contacted me back yet with what value resistor he is using.


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