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Thread: Turbo oil seals

  1. #1
    JNS Engineering verified
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    Turbo oil seals

    I took my intake and plenum off to check plugs to figure out why I have slight knocking under boost. In the process I noticed small amounts of oil in the intake piping next to the Y pipe. I think this must be oil getting by the seals in the turbos and getting blown through to the intake.

    With my slight knocking problem I suspect the fuel pump is going out and I was thinking of upgrading to a Supra pump. If I need to have the turbos rebuilt I imagine I could have them upgraded to 13G without much additional cost. If I keep the 360cc injectors and stock fuel management would I be able to take advantage of a 13G upgrade?

    Who does turbo rebuilds RELIABLY? Not interested in getting the Warren treatment. I still want to keep the car pretty much stock.


  2. #2
    You can rebuild the turbos yourself for a couple of hundred bucks provided there is not so much play as to damage the turbine wheels. Getting the turbos out wasn't that much fun, the real PIA however was getting them separated. Patience and bp blaster are your friends. I was not so lucky on my rear. I ended up buying new turbos because of the time factor and problems locating a turbine wheel and a couple of other internal parts not included in the rebuild kits. I found that new MHI 13g's were way cheaper than new 9b's. Apparently they make a lot more 13g's so they cost less. You should also replace the oil supply lines.

    I'm running 450 dsm injectors and think I would have been just fine staying with stock 360's based on the amount of fuel I'm pulling on the high end. Best of luck.

  3. #3
    rawr. verified
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    A lot of people has stayed on stock injectors and ran 12 psi on DR500s or 13Gs with out the need of any engine management.
    vroom vroom i drive a 93 toyota mr2.

  4. #4
    Padawan garage troll Not Verified
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimvr4 View Post
    In the process I noticed small amounts of oil in the intake piping next to the Y pipe. I think this must be oil getting by the seals in the turbos and getting blown through to the intake.
    If you are referring to oil in the bubble (attached to MAS), it could be excessive blow by or PCV valve. If you have oil in the Y-pipe that is from your turbos for sure. Are you smoking @ WOT?

  5. #5
    JNS Engineering verified
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roybatty View Post
    If you are referring to oil in the bubble (attached to MAS), it could be excessive blow by or PCV valve. If you have oil in the Y-pipe that is from your turbos for sure. Are you smoking @ WOT?
    Was referring to the lines that connect into the Y pipe. Haven't had the bubble off lately. There is no smoking @ WOT so I don't think there is any leaking to the exhaust side.

  6. #6
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    with the 13G´s and stock fuel except upgraded fuel pump its extremely important to keep it under 15psi ask me how I know .


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