Welcome to 3SGTO's Car of the Month!
Each month will be themed with an all in, non 3/S or specific 3/S category. The categories are already picked out and planned through December 2011.
How to enter?
Create a garage page with your car, info, and pictures and then private message me that you want to enter and what your link to your garage is! You can find the garage link at the top of the forum next to "forum." For example: http://www.3sgto.org/garage_vehicle....w_vehicle&id=1
Once all entries are in, a voting thread will be created so that everyone can vote on their favorite for that month!
What does the winner get?
The winner will be added to the 3SGTO home page as well as a forum banner There are also some other things to be added for the winner in the future.
What are the categories for each month?
Nov - all 3/S/GTO WINNER :: green-lantern!
Dec - FWD
Jan - 1st gen
Feb - all 3/S/GTO
March - non 3/S/GTO
April - AWD
May - spyder
June - all 3/S/GTO
July - 2nd gen
Aug - all stock
Sept - non 3/S
Oct - all 3/S/GTO
Nov - 3/S/GTO Interior
Dec - all 500+ hp
When is December's deadline?
December 1st!
All entry deadlines will be the 1st of the month you are entering for and the voting thread will extend through the 7th of the month that is being voted on.
Can you clarify some of the monthly categories for us?
- ALL 3/S/GTO: As long as your car is a Mitsubishi 3000GT, Dodge Stealth, or Mitsubishi GTO, you can enter it for this category.
- FWD: Front Wheel Drivetrains only for this category.
- AWD: All Wheel Drivetrains only for this category.
- 1st Generation: As long as your 3/S/GTO is 1991 - 1993, you can enter for this category.
- 2nd Generation: As long as your 3/S/GTO is 1994 - 1999, you can enter for this category.
- Non 3/S/GTO: All other makes or models, aside from 3/S/GTO's may enter this category.
- Spyders: Only 3/S/GTO Spyders can enter this category. This does include Stramans and other non factory convertibles.
- All Stock: If your 3/S/GTO is stock or nearly stock, you may enter this category. Nearly stock will be defined as upgraded air filter and wheels are acceptable. If you would like to enter, but aren't sure if you as nearly stock, just send me a PM!
- Interior: If your 3/S/GTO has an awesome interior, you can enter your car for this category. This includes stock or modified.
- 500hp +: If your car is 500hp or more, you may enter your car for this category. Dyno numbers are required for submission. This includes 3/S/GTOs and other makes/models.