Will a DRB tool or whatever is needed that connects to the diagnostic port be able to access the SRS computer without the factory ECU in place? Or does having an EMS cause the light to be on because the SRS computer doesn't recognize the ECU? I want to get this light out without pulling the bulb haha
while we're on the subject of the EMS again, which of the factory center gauges get knocked out when going to EMS? I imagine the boost gauge does because it gets no signal from the ECU. Do the coolant and oil pressure gauges continue to work? This stealth has prosport gauges in the center and I don't really love them, plus the oil pressure gauge appears to be broken (reads 40psi when turned on and engine isn't spinning, and then reads 100psi constantly when engine is on). Would the center cluster from an NA plug right in and give me coolant, oil, and voltage?