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Thread: Interesting commute today

  1. #1
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    Interesting commute today

    I saw something I don't normally see on my commute to work today. Kinda makes me wonder what happened? This is in a fairly populated area, although it is next to a small nature park. I don't think this was done by some predatory animal, although I doubt a human would have done this either...

    So I bike commute to work along a bike trail (about 3 miles each way) almost every day. Today as I ride along, first I see this:

    Then I few yards farther I see this:

    I really kinda hope it wasn't an animal as I frequently ride / run this trail in the dark. Any speculations on what happened here? There was a pile of entrails neatly sitting there near the blood stain so that makes me wonder if it was a human for some unknown reason. But if so, why not take the head with the rest of the carcass? I know hunting in this area would be illegal, so maybe that has something to do with it?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrunner View Post
    I saw something I don't normally see on my commute to work today. Kinda makes me wonder what happened? This is in a fairly populated area, although it is next to a small nature park. I don't think this was done by some predatory animal, although I doubt a human would have done this either...

    So I bike commute to work along a bike trail (about 3 miles each way) almost every day. Today as I ride along, first I see this:

    Then I few yards farther I see this:

    I really kinda hope it wasn't an animal as I frequently ride / run this trail in the dark. Any speculations on what happened here? There was a pile of entrails neatly sitting there near the blood stain so that makes me wonder if it was a human for some unknown reason. But if so, why not take the head with the rest of the carcass? I know hunting in this area would be illegal, so maybe that has something to do with it?
    Possibly someone thieved the venison?

    Actually, I've seen wolves leave a carcass like that, but that's a lot of meat for one animal, and a pack would have left a bit more of a mess, I think.

    Looks like the animal might have been hit, then someone just stripped the hide and did some quick knife-work.
    Last edited by j2k4; 11-11-2010 at 11:14 AM.
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    looks like a quick, efficient job of field dressing
    backstrap for dinner someplace tonight

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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Possibly someone thieved the venison?

    Looks like the animal might have been hit, then someone just stripped the hide and did some quick knife-work.
    I thought the same, but this is on a bike trail, no where near a road. No motor vehicles allowed but I suppose that could have been ignored. It really isn't big enough for a car, but maybe ATV... I'm hoping it was just some illegal hunting, I don't want that to be the result of some super-freak wolf that will have me in its sites next time I am riding or running at night!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrunner View Post
    I thought the same, but this is on a bike trail, no where near a road. No motor vehicles allowed but I suppose that could have been ignored. It really isn't big enough for a car, but maybe ATV... I'm hoping it was just some illegal hunting, I don't want that to be the result of some super-freak wolf that will have me in its sites next time I am riding or running at night!
    Then it's a poach or an animal, one.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrunner View Post
    I really kinda hope it wasn't an animal as I frequently ride / run this trail in the dark. Any speculations on what happened here?

  7. #7

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    I would say predator. If it was poached I don't think they would have took the legs. I would think that a predator would leave more fur about though.

    So who knows.

    Edit: if you look at the first pick closer there is fur strung about in the grass...
    Last edited by CoopKill; 11-11-2010 at 12:26 PM.

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    Yikes! Bobcats, I've seen around here before. Just don't seem as scary because of their size. But a mountain lion!! Woah...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoopKill View Post
    Edit: if you look at the first pick closer there is fur strung about in the grass...
    Yeah it is hard to make out from the camera pic, but there is a fair amount of fur in the grass. I know nothing about hunting though so I figured maybe some of that fur would just come off when removing the meat or something... Yeah that sounds dumb now that I typed it out, you're probably right. I might be avoiding that trail at night for a bit...


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