The car is going back to stock, so I'm selling this as well. This is the complete Tcase, not just the housings. This is an 18 spline tcase, but you can pull the input spool out and install a 25 spline input spool.
It has the 5 speed LIPP Front & Mid tcase purchased from 3sx.
New OEM input spool that's been further cryotreated for max strength
Fully assembled with new seals from 3sx as well.
It has approx 6k miles on it. The only fluid it's ever had is Redline Shockproof Heavy. I did find that it kept pushing fluid thru the breather, so I made a custom breather line to recirculate any fluid that might be pushed out. I have never had a single drop of fluid lost with this setup. Other people have had the same problem with the fluid coming out too. You can read the thread and see even the professionals have this problem.
here are pics of the breather setup and Tcase:
Sorry, I know the welding on the aluminum is really ugly, but it's under the car and no one sees it. You can always take your old tcase face and have a new AN bung welded on to it as well. Altho that would make it hard for you to sell it.
price is $1500 shipped obo. 3sx now sells the front and rear housings for $2249 fully assembled.
Now, if you only want the housings, that can be done, but will take time since the tail section would have to be pressed off by a machine shop. Cost for the front and mid housings only would be $1200 shipped.
The part is still on the car and only going to be removed when it's sold. I currently have school, so it may be a week before I can get it removed and shipped. Longer, if you only want the housings.