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Thread: What about all the information

  1. #1
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    What about all the information

    What will we do about all the info lost after 3si crashes and burns? Should we transfer all the informative thread such as the big Emanage threads and save them to some kind of archive on this site? Should we post the OP and just continue where left off? Or are there already plans and actions taken that I've missed?

    I also suggest everyone start to document things they do on here. Even if its been done already on 3si, just to build up the info on here.
    Last edited by Unknownvr4; 10-28-2010 at 06:24 PM.
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  2. #2
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    I know im not alone in this?

  3. #3
    LW fears my posts Not Verified
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    No, I agree. Even something as simple as a thread on gutting your precats needs to be moved over. I did one a long time ago on the other site, when I have time I'll post a write up of it again, along with fabbing DSM intercoolers, etc. That all happened between 5-10 years ago though, and most of us who still have our cars, have largely finished doing any mods that we wanted to do long ago.

  4. #4
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    I agree as well, I don't suggest taking anyones write up though, pm them and make sure they know your gonna repost their information.

    Other than that yes its worth people doing a write-up on anything you can, like has been said a lot of the write ups currently out there are old, and people have found other ways to do it, or improve upon the idea, so new write ups will help keep everything current and accurate.

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  5. #5
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    one day the emanage will not be made... But many of us know the info and it can be easily replicated.

    Our info is on 3si, we can repost it here. 3si seems to think they some how own the copy right to everyones info but they don't.

  6. #6
    Administrator Alan92RTTT's Avatar
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    The best options are:
    1) copy threads/posts you've written.
    2) Summarize threads that have run on and make a new thread here.
    3) contact the OP and ask him to post it here. (or if you can post it here.)


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