Hey guys and gals! We appreciate everyone's support over the years, and figured we'd have a special sale, JUST FOR YOU.
This is a FORUM ONLY sale...we are not publicly advertising on our site, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters..NO WHERE...just for our forum family!
Palm PDA kits have been discounted to the low price of $74.95!!
This is a "all-in-one" datalogging package including Palm PDA, cables, and uses the MMCd datalogging software on CD.
OBD1/91-93 model compatible.
To take advantage of this sale, place your order online and use
This will subtract your $45 in savings off of the order! Make sure to enter this in the "discount code" field during the checkout process, and not the "gift certificate" field of the shopping cart.
We appreciate everyone's business and support over the years and hope to continue serving the community moving forward!