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Thread: Iphone based datalogger

  1. #1

    Iphone based datalogger

    Since I am in the market for a data logger of some sort for my build up; I was wondering why not see about modernize it but using a device that is more modern and has far more potential like an iphone or itouch.

    I have done a little bit of surfing and found a couple of items. Some are just ‘toys’ and don’t really give the information on my car that I think I want.
    While others do have some potential!

    But since I do not currently have a data logger I need advice from those that DO know the types of information one does need to keep a close eye on and what to be following while the engines systems are functioning during different operations.

    Are any of these exactly what I am seeking, for my Iphone to become my ONLY data logger in my quest to build a reliable 500hp 1994 twin turbo Stealth? (entertainment value only!)

  2. #2
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    iphones are toys. get something real to datalog.

  3. #3
    rawr. verified
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    I reccommend

    I want my iphone to play music and tell me maps not datalog.

    Can it export data to excel format?
    vroom vroom i drive a 93 toyota mr2.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikes2nd View Post
    iphones are toys. get something real to datalog.
    Not wanting to discourage replies BUT Sorry man, if you think the antiquated PDA type logger can function like a modern smart phone OR itouch, I believe you may be mistaken. Software technology today IS impressive! (But I don't know IF what I need is actually developed AND proven as of yet!) Why stay in the electronic version of the Stone Age IF there is something new out there that works? (it just so happens I have both an itouch and a 1 year old 32gig 3gs that I replaced when I bought the I4) So my question is more why go buy a 10 year old electronic device IF a modern device I already have can work. ( again assuming there is software to support it) And quite possibly work as good as or even better than those older devices. Plus I should not have the issues of replacing batteries or other things known to fail on ALL type of electronic devices? ANd IF I do ... chances are parts will be readily availible.

    While yes, MOST people out there are using these older devices, but since I am starting from scratch in the year 2010 again why buy older technology IF there is something new and ‘improved’ out there. Yes the older items ARE proven but I am looking for modern electronics to keep an eye on my ‘modern build’. This is why I've asked the question...
    Last edited by Back-to-Doo; 10-27-2010 at 12:36 PM.

  5. #5
    I Kill Threads verified
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    I only know of apps to datalog obdII and since your a 94 you'll be hybrid and can't use those.

    I had looked before but now that I have an android my options are more open
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goallie11 View Post
    I only know of apps to datalog obdII and since your a 94 you'll be hybrid and can't use those.

    I had looked before but now that I have an android my options are more open
    Good luck with that. I have been on both iPhone and Android the past 3 years, and Android is WAY buggier. Even more buggy than a jailbroken iPhone. Secondly, Android really isn't open, it just allows private API.

    There is nothing for the OBD I and Hybrid ECU guys. The OBD II works fine with the OT-2 and isn't half bad.

    An iPhone is a toy. lol. Seeing how it is more powerful than your laptop was 4 years ago, I doubt it is a toy. Especially seeing how I can probably bring your computer down, from my iPhone.

    HHH is really your best solution with a laptop. There is nothing like having that large enough screen to compare graphs, and really help show you what you need to see.

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    Open in more aspects, I haven't found a datalogger for it yet buy haven't looked either. All around though much more open, and I'm coming from a jailbroken iphone which my only bug was SBsettings not working. Are you currently using android because I haven't encountered any bugs so far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Goallie11 View Post
    Open in more aspects, I haven't found a datalogger for it yet buy haven't looked either. All around though much more open, and I'm coming from a jailbroken iphone which my only bug was SBsettings not working. Are you currently using android because I haven't encountered any bugs so far.
    I had a chance to play with an HTC Incredible for about 2 weeks. Don't even get me started with what is wrong with that phone, and most of it has to do with the manufacture, not the Droid OS.

    I refuse to even pick up an Android any more. Especially after my friend bought the Droid X, and then got the OTA 2.2 update, now his gmail wont auto sync unless he adds it as a pop3 or imap, it wont support push either for some reason. I have tried and tried and tried. Also, his slacker radio is a joke, he even wants to go back to his iPhone but can't because he switched to Verizon. Although, just wait till January, I didn't say it.

    I don't know why SBSettings wasn't working for you. I have used it since 3.0 or whenever it came out and haven't had too many issues, they are pretty solid devices, even jailbroken.

    The ONLY bug I am having a hard time with right now is the orientation from going from portrait to landscape, sometimes I have to respring to get it to work again, but thats all I have to do. I also did notice this happening once or twice before the phone was ever jailbroken, I think it is more along the lines of the Apple code.


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    Ah see I haven't tried android on anything other then my HTC Evo, so it may be hardware specific, the problems you found.

    And I don't know why SBsettings wasn't working either, it worked fine until they changed it to swiping the top of the screen to open it, and it never worked once I updated to that. My brothers old iphone had a lot of problems with sprinboard and had to respring often everyday. But you know bugs get worked out, for me it was just time to move onto something new.

    Now /hijack.

  10. #10
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    My friend just got a virus on his Droid X. I had to ask him twice to believe that he had a virus on his phone. I think I will always be with the iPhone now.


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