alright so finnally got me a new ecs cap!! to make my ecs work thnks to Hard AttacK for his generousity, he straight hooked me up for free didnt even want shiping for it a very very very BIG thanks to him for hooking me up cant tell him how much i appreciate it !!! hopefully he sees this atleast (yes i pm'ed him thanking him as well tho so theres that ... anyways so when i go from sport to tour i believe i do feel a bit of differnce in the ride not as drastic as i thought it would be but still feels like its doin its thing ... only thing is i dont see it say sport anywhere when im in sport ... is this correct or should i see it say sport? outside of that i believe its working jsut wondering about that is all .. and once again thanks to Hard AttacK hes my hero heheseriously thanks man