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Thread: help asap trying to remove the rear dnp hardpipe to the turbo!!!!

  1. #1

    Angry help asap trying to remove the rear dnp hardpipe to the turbo!!!!

    im changing the spark plugs and the hardpipe to the rear turbo must be removed to reach to other components that needs to be removed also to lift up the plenum. the problem is i loosened the clamps connecting the hardpipes and tried pulling the rear pipe up. it wouldnt move at all because its on the turbo pretty good.

    how to i get it off the turbo??? just keep trying to pull it up?
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  2. #2
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    There should be a bolt holding it on, at least there is on the stock one.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbest671 View Post
    There should be a bolt holding it on, at least there is on the stock one.
    yep there is a bolt that holds the pipe to turbo.

    Make sure when removing the plenum that you take the washers off of the two outer studs before taking it off. I can't count the times I've seen people drop one of those washers into the intake when removing it and not realizing it until they start it.

    Quote Originally Posted by HilbillyHomeboy View Post
    I bet she smells of old mustard and sawdust.

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    That upper turbo pipe is only held in by one bolt, at the turbo, and an O-ring that seals it inside against the turbo housing. Just wiggle it around as you are lifting up on it.

    Head the warning about the washers on the intake plenum. Also as soon as you get it off take a piece of cardboard cut just large enough to cover all the intake openings and press it down on the two outside studs to make an imprint of the studs, then poke holes at the indents and place it over the intake openings. The stud holes will hold it in place and prevent anything from possibly accidentally falling into the intake openings. You’ll be glad you did this the first time you drop something on the cardboard.

    Lastly, as soon as you get the top pipe off of the turbo drop a golf ball into the turbo opening. This will prevent anything from accidentally being dropped into that opening too.

    Another tip that may be helpful. When removing the Exhaust Gas Recirculating [EGR] pipe from the plenum loosen both bolts then remove one bolt and let the gasket swing up or down while being held in place by the other bolt. Tie a piece of string through the bolt hole of the removed bolt in the gasket and tie it to something solid so you can remove the other bolt without dropping the gasket. Trust me here, if you drop the gasket you will not find it if Murphy’s Law is still in effect. Reverse the procedure to reinstall it.

    Hope this helps.

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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxClass View Post
    That upper turbo pipe is only held in by one bolt, at the turbo, and an O-ring that seals it inside against the turbo housing. Just wiggle it around as you are lifting up on it.

    Head the warning about the washers on the intake plenum. Also as soon as you get it off take a piece of cardboard cut just large enough to cover all the intake openings and press it down on the two outside studs to make an imprint of the studs, then poke holes at the indents and place it over the intake openings. The stud holes will hold it in place and prevent anything from possibly accidentally falling into the intake openings. You’ll be glad you did this the first time you drop something on the cardboard.
    ah good point, I didn't even think to mention the cover for the intake. The very 1st thing I do when I remove the plenum is cover the intake. If you bought a new plenum gasket (and you should) you can use the old one as a perfect fit cover. just take some duct tape and tape up the intake holes in the gasket. The studs will hold it in place.

    Another thing I forgot to mention is there is another bolt in that rear IC pipe. It's also bolted to the plenum.

  7. #6
    i got the hard pipe off. i covered the turbo opening with paper towel. the plenum was lifted up so i have enough room to reach the plugs. i covered everything with paper towels.

    btw for the egr pipe i only took off 2 bolts that was bolted onto the plenum. the other 2 bolts on the turbo or heatshield i forgot where the other 2 bolts were bolted on but anyways i didnt loosen them at all. plenum came off easy with its bolts removed and just 2 of the egr bolts removed. but i see no gasket between the plenum and egr pipe. is there no gasket between the plenum and egr pipe???????
    Last edited by FlamboyantStealthTT; 10-24-2010 at 06:16 PM.

  8. #7
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    There is supposed to be a gasket for sure, you are either missing it, or it is stuck to the pipe, or intake manifold still. If its not there at all make sure you get one as this will be a big vac/boost leak.

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  9. #8
    alright thanks will be going to autozone for the gaskets. and btw i can just use paper towels to wipe off all the surface oil right?

  10. #9
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    what surface area are you talking about?

  11. #10
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    You can get the intake manifold gasket and maybe the EGR valve gasket, but I couldn't get the egr pipe gasket w/o having it special ordered at Autozone.


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