Hey... seems like there are a rare few ATX's out there that are not prone to failure, and the rare few people who have those sturdy transmissions don't seem to go through the process of repairing those weaknesses..... BUT, that's not to say you shouldn't worry because no transmission will last forever, and if it did go out on you, the problem is that our transmission is not the "norm" and less skilled guys might not do a good job on it... I know because I'm in possession of a receipt for a "full rebuild" of my transmission that was done less than a year before I bought it, and still I needed to modify it to fix these "known issues" that the shift kit addresses... As for your questions, I bought the Translab kit through IPT here
http://www.importperformancetrans.co...type-1672.html But, if you google
"f4a33-1 or KM175 shift kit" you will find a lot of kits available for our transmission.
http://cobratransmission.com/index.p...cts_id=1001052 is a Transgo shift kit for 38.99
http://www.buffaloengine.com/catalog...m175-shift-kit is a VBX shift kit for ONLY $24!!! Not sure of the quality or ease of install compared to the $92 Translab kit I bought (I am jealous of the $24 deal, LOL) But the translab kit was very easy to follow the instructions on, and I took a couple hours one noght to tear it down, and a couple hours the next day to put it all back in. But I like to take my time so it's not like "working" LOL, and I have never cracked open a transmission so it was a little intimidating. I would not call the job "easy" it is definitely doable for anyone with technical and or mechanical skills as long as you have the tools... If you call IPT, they will help, and they offer to rebuild your valve body for you for a considerable amount of money if you ship it to them.