I'm kinda bored now so I figured I'd post up a "How to" on the Virtual Dyno software I've been using. I'm damn impressed with it so that's why I'm bothering to post.
You can find the software here:
Where I found the software:
It kicks out charts that look like this. Well maybe not this much torque at 16 psi.
*Dumbed down (but still geek) speak*
It works buy using the mass of the car and wind resistance as the resistive force instead of the dyno rollers. The coefficient of drag and frontal are of the car is already plugged into the software (behind the scenes). The engine rpm rate of change is referenced versus the mass and wind resistance from the pull to come up with wheel power.
*/Geek speak*
As dauting as these instructions look this software is actually pretty easy to use. Just about anyone can get this thing to kick out a graph. My instructions add a few steps because this is everything you can do to get the most accurate results from the software.
Important things to remember to ensure a accurate graph:
- Set your datalogging system to the maximum sample rate (250 samples/sec with the AEM & 20ms (50/sec) with the Emanage Ultimate). When you output the data to a *.txt or *.csv file select the fastest rate also. Slow sample rates will not help your accuracy.
- Weigh your car (and you & your stuff for that matter). The total mass of the moving car must be correct. You even need to account for the fuel that's in it. (Gas is roughly 6.1 lbs/gallon)
- Make sure your tire height is correct. Go to your tire manufacturer's website, narrow down to your tire model/size, and the tire height should be listed in the specs.
- You must do your pulls on a flat road.
- You shouldn't need more than 5 smoothing in the software to get a decently smooth chart. Anything more and you're probably having some issues with smooth power delivery.
A pointer...don't use this to tune the car unless the pulls are on same same stretch of road, going the same direction, & in the (exact) same weather. That pretty much means if you go out to tune you need to finish what you start and you shouldn't make changes to the timing based on a run from yesterday versus a run from today. Things like temperature, uncorrected barometric pressure, wind, and the grade of the road you do the pulls on makes comparisons from different days and locations impossible for the purposes of tuning. Now you can compare them for "gee whiz" fun...but don't tune like that.
__So on to the "How to"__________________________________
- Install Virtual Dyno
- Open the software and go to "file", "options" and type "Engine Load" next to Boost (That'll be unnecessary in the next release / 1.0.7)
- Make sure the AEM's internal logger is set to record at 250 samples a second and is recoding (at minimum) Engine Speed, Engine Load, O2 #1 (or 2), & Throttle
- Do a single pull in 3rd and download it out of the computer. 4th is not necessary and is pretty damn dangerous. I usually start my pulls at 1500-2000 to make sure I give the turbo every chance to spool early.
- Open AEMLog and the pull file. Stick with one plot and select the "Overlays" button.
- Plot Engine Speed, Engine Load, O2 #1, & Throttle
- Zoom in on just the single pull (IE 1500 rpm to whatever your redline is). Nothing more.
- Go to file and hit "export as text"
- Select Engine Speed, Engine Load, O2 #1, & Throttle
- Select "current zoom data"
- Make sure the "restrict data rate" is still on "fastest" and the data is "Real"
- Hit export and put the file on your desktop
- Open Virtual Dyno and drag that file into the left pane
- Fix all the info in the box on the left. Ensure it's accurate.
- Boom! There's your graph!
Emanage Ultimate:
- Install Virtual Dyno
- Open the software and go to "file", "options"
- make sure "Auto Trim TPS" is active/checked
- Type in these "Custom Column Names"
Time - msec
RPM - Engine Speed(rpm)
AFR - A/F Meter(0-5v) 1 (or 2 depending)
TPS - Throttle Position(%)
Boost - GReddy Pressure Sensor PSI 1 (or 2 depending)
- Make sure the Ultimate's internal logger is set to record at 20ms and is recoding (at minimum) Engine Speed, the A/F Meter, the Greddy Pressure Sensor, & Throttle Position
- Do a single pull in 3rd and download it out of the computer. 4th is not necessary and is pretty damn dangerous. I usually start my pulls at 1500-2000 to make sure I give the turbo every chance to spool early. Stop the logger immediately after you lift off the gas.
- Open the Logger and the pull file.
- Hit save (the little floppy disk in the corner).
- Change the "Save as type" to a Text file
- Browse to your desktop, name it, and hit Save
- Open Virtual Dyno and drag that file into the left pane
- Fix all the info in the box on the left. Ensure it's accurate.
- Boom! There's your graph!
As far as the Ultimate goes I sent the designer all of the header names and it should have native Ultimate support in the next release. That and support for S2000's.
So there ya have it. I want to see some graphs so post em if you got em! And no screwing around!You're on your honor here. No 1st gear pulls in a 5000lb car while going down the side of a mountain!