i need some friends to play excitebike with on the wii. post up if you play & whatever your wii number is so that i can friend you.
i need some friends to play excitebike with on the wii. post up if you play & whatever your wii number is so that i can friend you.
how is it? I have thought about downloading it.....that is a downloadable title right?
back in elementary school I used to fake being sick so I could play excite bike 64 all day. now i kinda want a wii lol.
the basic go fast bits...
forged short block, Billet DR1000's, 680cc injectors, meth inj, FMIC, MAFT, Apexi Neo, hotwired 255lph fuel pump.
Tuned by Ray Pampena
Just a fun Daily Driver.
The only excitebike I played was the good old NES version, I would spend so much time with track layout.
Excitebike was awesome! I may have to bust out the NES and play some tomorrow.
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