I have an extra 6g72 just sitting in my garage. I want to rebuild it, 3.5L would be sweet, but I don't know where to buy all the parts for a full rebuild. I think 3sx sells most of the stuff but I was wondering if there was a place to get stock parts cheaper than them or some aftermarket a bit cheaper.
The Low-Down:
I bought a 95 SL from my cousin in law for $4K, not a bad price for a 5speed. 9 days of owning the car, my dad decides it's time to change the oil. He drains it and replaces the plug, but when he puts the filter on he crossthreads it. I told him it wasn't fitting right, but he said it was fine. Anyway, I drive it the next day and sure enough, the oil drains out and it overheats. developed a bit of a knock when it shut down. It had lost compression and the filter was full of metal shavings. spent the next month in the shop until I ordered a new DOHC engine for $1K and got it put in for $1200. My dad didn't trust me to put it in my self and now i don't trust him to do oil changes. Luckily he paid for the repairs. anyway, I want the engine either gone or rebuilt, preferably turbo'ed and dropped into my car.
If you have any info on rebuild kits/parts put them on this thread.
If you want the engine, PM me with an offer.