Does anyone have one of these?
Does anyone have one of these?
Even most ECU rebuilder's do not have one. What you do not know is that our ECU is a multi-layer board. Meaning that there are not only circuits on top and bottom but there is also a circuit plate in the middle of the 2 that you cannot see. It is sandwiched between the 2 and repairing an ecu yourself that is significantly damaged is ill advised unless you are experienced with ECU's.
Im not as dumb as you think lol. I know that its multi layer. Obviously it would have to be to fit all the necessary operations of the ecu. Im trying to find out what exactly blew and what could have caused it. Not trying to rebuild it.
Well...considering your electronics skills, why don't you just back trace it until you get to the harness connection point and go from there. Just from the picture of the ecu, it appears that something grounded out and the crossing point just happened to be in the ecu.
I already tried lol. I cant back trace it. The board is too fucked up :/.
You think so??? I will do that now. I think Im going to call Mitsubishi and try and track one down. I know a few other people were looking for one.
I think you might be right steve68 not sure though.....I ripped the capacitor off and it seems there was a very minuet bit a fluid under it. I think the frying dried it all up though...So I broke the capacitor open and there was no fluid that spilled out. It is damp inside it though.
edit:the acid is burning my arm a little bit. More itchy than anything.
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