only drove like 40 miles since i bought it in may. sent the car to pampena for a clutch change. car ran fine after getting it back. but now the car wont stay idling it always stalls.
my cars been sitting for a month. just about last month i noticed at normal idle about 700 rpm's, it felt like the car was shaking when i was in the driver seat and wanted to stall. it was strange to see the idle to be at 700 rpm's because normally my car would idle right at 1000 rpm's. and at 1000 rpm's the car drove perfectly fine.
i was told by stealthee to clean the iac. so i followed stealth316's procedures. tested and cleaned it. the resistance came out perfectly fine but i was told to just get a new one anyways. so i bought a new one and car still stalls.
so the iac wasnt the problem. i went ahead to check the ecu. its perfectly fine too.
then i tried pressure testing. used a 12v tire compressor. people have told me i need a better compressor but my friend have used it on his wrx numerous times and it works just fine on his car. i plugged the 2 hoses thats attached to the front and rear turbo intake pipes. heard nothing, so i guess there are no boost leaks.
what else could be the problem?
btw my starter makes a grinding noise on start up but i dont think the starter would affect idling and stalling issues. also on the other forum i was told to adjust the idle. the screw wasnt touched since i got the car... it drove fine. and other members told me its not necessary to adjust the screw after cleaning the iac. so i ruled that out. even if the screw was never touched i should still try to adjust it?