i know there are some religious folk out there, i dont think you need to be religious to believe in reincarnation though. anyone believe this happens? would someone know if they lived a previous life?
i know there are some religious folk out there, i dont think you need to be religious to believe in reincarnation though. anyone believe this happens? would someone know if they lived a previous life?
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Interesting question. Why do you ask. I personally don't believe in it.
I'm not entirely sure of my thoughts on it. My partner believes in it. Her faith is that she will continue to be reincarnated until she figured out her purpose for being, at which point she can join her creator, or choose to continue to be reborn.
What religion is that ?
just one of those things you know... i have a reason for the question but its retarded lol.
when i was young like 5 ish before i watched or was aware of watching any war movies etc, i used to have very real dreams and i wasnt 5 ish in my dreams either. i was at war. dunno which? judging by the rifle i'd say WW2 maybe 1 i dont know. anyway i got shot.
i'm the ONLY one in my immediate family thats into knives and guns, and tried everything to get in the armed forces. i also get very emotional when watching war flicks.
so i dunno what its all about.
i dont think its that simple. lol
I shouldn't have worded it so blank that I don't believe in it. Rather that I don't believe or disbelieve anything. The world is a strange place and I try to keep an open mind.
i personally dunno what to believe. maybe i cought a glimps or two of war flicks and the dreams came from there i dunno?
there is some explination but what? vicar said i was crackers and he dont even know me, the poor bugger has to marry us thats all.
I was at the Forum
in Rome
Greatest feeling of having been there before came over me
Never has deja vu been that strong before
or since
A lot of DNA has passed by since the days of lions and gladiators
could some be memories passed on
or ... just like deja vu all over again
I don't believe in it but then theres some stories from people that make you think.
1992 3000GT VR-4
DR650s,Denso 550 injectors, Walbro 255, Emanage Blue,3SX Cat Eliminator Downpipe,Short Shifter,DNP Hardpipe Kit,HKS SSQV,Underdrive pulley,Carbotech slotted rotors,RPS Lightweight Flywheel, Maximal Solid Mounts
A form of paganism. Celtic Reconstructionalist.
It's funny as we were both brought up in very strict christian house holds, and have both gone very different paths than what was expected of us. My grand father was a preacher, and I grew up spending EVERY Sunday, most Wednesdays, and who knows how many other days in Church (Southern Baptist). I simply couldn't find the answers I needed in the faith, and spent a couple years attending the services of various faiths (Catholic, LDS, Methodist, and a handful of smaller places that slip my mind at the moment). Realized that organized religion isn't for me as none of it truly lives up to it's hype. She grew up in an Episcopal faith and moved to her current faith when she saw the hypocrisy in within the congregation she was in, the corruption of her preacher, and the hate that was harbored by a lot of people for anyone that wasn't "one of theirs." the "Hate the sin, not the sinner" became "I hate everything you do stand for, but not you specifically."
What religion is? I broke it down to it's most basic ideal, but that is what it is at it's core. Our spiritual journey may require us to live multiple lives before we feel we have learned everything we need to learn. I could go on, but it would get boring and start sounding like a sermon (not to mention I do NOT know it well enough to give it in detail and feel that I would be even close to accurateOriginally Posted by Colt 34 gto
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