mine has been stolen or can you only thank somany times? i see no thanks buttun in any forum.
mine has been stolen or can you only thank somany times? i see no thanks buttun in any forum.
3si is dead long live 3sgto.org
It would appear that you can only give out so many thanks in a day. I was dishing out thanks to the vendors that have come here to support our new site as well and after about 4-6, I lost my "thanks" button as well. It came back the next day, or that is when I noticed it was back
i'm in the next day now and its still stoled! i noticed it when i went to thank sean that the button wasn't there i'll give it a few hours, it might be on a 24h switch?
Thankfull whore. I still have all of mine.
guess what? 24h later it returns!
i like the thanks button. much more useful and you can see who thanked which post.
Maddog Performance Engineering
As you guys have said their is a limit of "thanks" in 24 hours. When you exceed that the button goes away.
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