So yea...I'm 25 years old and stuck...totally lost.
So yea...I'm 25 years old and stuck...totally lost.
I'm 21, I want to leave college, but I have no clue what I'd do. I just want to learn how to build crap, and sell said crap. Bleh. I feel you bro. No homo.
- 24
I'm engaged right now, all is good with that. It's pretty much everything else...I had to move in with my mom a little over a year ago due to the loss of my job / house. The biggest hindrance has been my car as I have not had reliable transportation to even get a job. My fiance went to med school and we have had no luck getting her a better job. I've had several opportunities to get rid of my car for a running / reliable car but everytime my car breaks and the deals fall through because of it. This shits just starting to get to me, same routine, everyday, I'm going fuckin stir crazy.
I have always been told to not be scared to venture out and try new things...I've always lived by that and it has always paid off. It is hard to do that now with my other half and I not having enough money to do things that change our situation. Almost every month, something terminal has gone wrong with my car or her car. Then today, I change the oil in her Eclipse, our only mode of transportation and the oil was full of copper flakes. It is just a matter of time before we have to replace her engine. I can do it, no problem, prolly take me 6 or so hours, but it's the point that we will have to waste even more money on something which sets us back even more.
Go get laid.
Seriously. Put a sock on it and go spelunking.
You'll feel better in the morning...
Ouch. You're still having car issues?I'm going to be so tight on money, I want to finish the college BS for that reason, but at the same time, I still have no idea if it's what I really want to do (M.E.). I mean, I want to learn everything there is to learn about designing stuff, but at the same time, holy crap, it's amazingly boring sometimes. I wouldn't mind just owning some business and doing that kind of stuff either. I really have no damn clue what I want to do, and no matter how much I think about it, I'm lost.
I sit here drinking my cheap ass beer, while my wife and child sleep. What makes me do this ? I love that POS sitting in the garage.
Hang in there man. Time is definitely on your side. You're only 25...that gives you plenty of time for things to turn for the better. Just take things slow, man. I was slapped in the face with medical bills two years ago and was more pissed off and frustrated than I have been in a long time (which didn't go to helping my condition). While all that was happening my car was down, I had just sold my other and was borrowing wheels left and right. Things will get better.
Just to me it does not seem that way. I've lived here with my mom for a little over a year now and have accomplished nothing...I hate that.
What makes it worse is that I have had a few opportunities arise but lost them due to car trouble. I had an interview with Mercedes for sale's, I had an interview with ADP, I had an interview with Trojan Batteries, I had an interview with Costco, etc..etc..all lost due to this fucking POS car I have in the garage. Job's that would have gotten me out of this hell.
Last edited by Mean Green; 10-01-2010 at 01:16 AM.
Its a car. Sell it. There are always other better deals out there, you can always get another one later. It seems that your car is hindering you from progressing in your life...that's a huuuge deal. Sell the hunk of metal. 3000GT / Stealth International WWWboard Archive Jim's (RED3KGT) Reststop |
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