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Thread: DDM Fog Light Install Help

  1. #1

    DDM Fog Light Install Help

    So I got a set off DDM Tuning slim ballast HID H3 kit for my fog lights, but I'm not sure how to install them. It appears I have to run the wires through the back and to do so I need to drill the hole bigger. Can somebody confirm this? Also can somebody take a look at the pic attached and tell me where I need to hook each wire to? There's a black and blue wire with a spade connector and then a pigtail connector.
    ddm fog.jpg

  2. #2
    There will be Blood! verified
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    Should have came with a schematic.

    IIRC the black and blue wires will plug into the stock wires that plugged into the bulb before. It would be better fit for the rubber seal if you could drill the hole bigger, but I found it to be a pain in the ass and made it work as is. Do not rely on the double stick tape to mount the box. Use self tapping screws and hide it up inside on the plastic by the crash bar somewhere...


    Edit: Make sure not to touch the bulb! if you do clean it very well with alcohol and nothing else.
    Last edited by CoopKill; 09-27-2010 at 11:20 PM.

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CoopKill View Post
    Should have came with a schematic.

    IIRC the black and blue wires will plug into the stock wires that plugged into the bulb before. It would be better fit for the rubber seal if you could drill the hole bigger, but I found it to be a pain in the ass and made it work as is. Do not rely on the double stick tape to mount the box. Use self tapping screws and hide it up inside on the plastic by the crash bar somewhere...


    Edit: Make sure not to touch the bulb! if you do clean it very well with alcohol and nothing else.
    No schematic was provided. I cant get that pigtail connector to fit through the back of the fog light housing. Unless I'm doing something wrong. And where does that pigtail connect too? The ballast or something already on the car?

  4. #4
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    I had to cut and re-solder my wires to put my HID's in the fogs.


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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JasonY View Post
    I had to cut and re-solder my wires to put my HID's in the fogs.

    How so? Would you be able to provide a quick schematic?

  6. #6
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    I wish i could help further, im trying to remember how mine are even hooked up(wiring is not my thing) But i remember coming to that being the only solution to the plug not fitting through the housing since i didnt have my die grinder yet to bore out the hole bigger, but on my brightstar it would have been pretty excessive anyway.

    Truthfully, it was plain as day for what i needed to do to make it work once i got over my apprehension of cutting the wiring.


  7. #7
    There will be Blood! verified
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    I think I did make the hole bigger now That I ponder it. The pig tail from the bulb will go through the hole and connect to the box, the blue wire is power, the black is ground and the other end connects to the box as well.

    The blue and black connect to the factory wires that were connected to your old bulbs. You may have to put new matching connectors on them or modify so they will securely fit together.

    It is simple, connect all the wires up to the box before you install. Once you have done that the only wires left are the blue and black. Now think of the whole mess as a bulb and nothing more.

    It should go : Bulb with already connected pigtail --> igniter box (smaller one) --> controller (larger box) --> pig tail with black n blue wires --> to the wires that plugged to the bulbs before that are in the car stock...


    Edit: choose the bit you drill with or hole size a little smaller than the robber grommet the kit came with. Don't forget to put the grommets on the pigtail.

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  9. #8
    There will be Blood! verified
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    If all that doesn't help, I will go out tomorrow night and take pics for you.

  10. #9
    ddm fog wire1.JPG

    I dont have the fog light side of the wiring, but this is what I got from DDM tuning. Once I get the fog light wiring drawn up, you can help me clarify what goes where. According to DDM Tuning, the hole needs to be enlarged to 7/8.
    Last edited by 95_GTO; 09-28-2010 at 01:05 AM.

  11. #10
    Ok so this is the fog light side of the wiring. Hopefully it makes sense. Somebody let me know what needs to be connected here to the wiring from the HID kit above.
    fog wire.JPG


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