If not soon, at least in the future?
Would serve as a good place to put all the obscure or detailed info that won't fit in a post.
If not soon, at least in the future?
Would serve as a good place to put all the obscure or detailed info that won't fit in a post.
The front page is a content system I may use that.
I always thought it a pitty that the 3si wiki wasn't well populated. I used the old 3si forums mainly as source for technical information which wasn't very productive. Some threads where started with extensive information items and then decayed to swamps of personal problems and hijackings.
The wiki format is a far better place to make information widely available without too much noise plus whenever somebody askes a question for the 100th time you just need to link the wiki article.
I'm in favour of a MODERATED wiki with a fixed staff of editors. Changes and articles could be submitted by any 3sgto.org user but needed clearing by one of the editors.
Alan, under "home" or making a sub forum labeled Wiki?
Please make sure which ever way you go that the FAQ part of the site uses only site hosted images. Nothing worse that having the pictures vanish a few month later.
I'd hope that people writing the how-to's and other informational posts would use the attachment feature or the gallery for image hosting.
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