After installing my TT brakes, my CV joint seems to be leaking alot of grease. Could I have bent it too far possibly by trying to get the spindle off? How long will it last by loosing grease every drive?
After installing my TT brakes, my CV joint seems to be leaking alot of grease. Could I have bent it too far possibly by trying to get the spindle off? How long will it last by loosing grease every drive?
“What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
you have either split or popped the boot off the joint, best to clean that off and check it. axles are fairly cheap to buy. but dont have that grease flying everywhere its horrible stuff.
how long will it last? centrifugal force will squeeze the grease from the joint all together and you will end up with a dry joint that will fail.
best to address it now rather than later.
3si is dead long live
well its definitely not slipped off. its tight on there. ill go look for openings.
hmm, nothing that I can see. The clamp is tight but it is everywhere. it looks like its seeping through behind the clamp there. Is there supposed to be an arch in the clamp?
I suppose I should get new ones anyway, seeing as how I'll be racing soon.
sorry was elswhere. no there should not be any arches in the clamp bud. sounds like its trapped on something. try autozone for prices. they will me remanned but they are as good as new.
hmmm, they both have it though and the other side isn't leaking a thing. It definitely looks manufactured into the clamp. I guess, I should buy new ones anyway.
On another note, how well do brand new 3sx ones handle aggressive driving?
yes the "arch" is how they pinch the clamp tight. just replace the axle. once the boot opens up, dirt gets in there and its done. you COULD replace just the boot but its easier to do the entire thing; and the dirt will grind away at the needle bearings.
Recertified ASE L1/L3 Master Technician
13G's on Pump 93 tuned to 421awhp/419awtq @ 17psi tuned by Pampena Motorsports ....375awtq at 2900rpm....
Billet 19T HL's on E85 tuned to .....?
$100 is cheap, even for 3sx. I Think I might replace all of them just to freshen it up.
Hmm, buying one side axle and not the other wont make it favor one side in acceleration will it? Seeing as how it will most likely rotate smoother. 3000GT / Stealth International WWWboard Archive Jim's (RED3KGT) Reststop |
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