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Thread: Leftovers from my TT swap

  1. #1

    Leftovers from my TT swap

    UPDATE: OK people, I have a move date!! That means I need the larger stuff gone by christmas! Everything is obo! I need this shit gone!! As before, everything for $400! If someone doesn't buy this, it's gonna have to got to the junk yard.

    Just pulled the NA motor from my car, for my TT swap. so everything is out and ready to ship. Almost everything is from a 94 NA, but a few parts are various extra TT pieces. Everything is PLUS shipping, and obo, so don't be afraid to make reasonable offers.

    -NA COMPLETE motor- $500 obo
    (181k, needs an IAC, but is otherwise complete, runs like a champ, and comes with everything else)

    -rear precat-$20
    -ebay rear precat elim- SOLD
    -new timing belt idler pulley-$30
    -new timing belt tensioner pulley-$30
    -used OEM flywheel-$20
    -ACT 2600 disc and pressure plate (~1k on them)- SOLD
    -NA '94 ECU-$75
    -NA downpipe and cat- $50
    -NA catback- $75
    -NA radiator, including both fans-$50
    -NA air filter and box-$20
    -charcoal carpet (good condition)-$80
    -charcoal cloth back seats-$30
    -EVAP canister-$10
    -'91 TT PS pump and tensioner pulley-$50
    -'91 crank pulley (needs a rebuild)-$20
    -stock NA fuel pump-$25
    -stock TT fuel pump-$50
    -timing belt tensioner pulley tool (wound up with 2 somehow??)-$10
    -94 Base wiring harness- $100

    I will be adding more as I come across it, and pictures later, when I get room to take them. Any questions, feel free to ask.
    Last edited by GRSHOPR; 11-17-2010 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Sale pending on clutch.

  3. #3
    Daily bump

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Clutch sold!!

  6. #6
    Daily bump

  7. #7
    daily bump

  8. #8
    precat pending

  9. #9
    precat elim sold!

  10. #10
    daily bump


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