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ECS Coil-over Suspension MOD (part 3 of 3)

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Installing the front Ground Control sleeve kit to the struts.

The assembly of the rear struts is pretty straight forward with only one word of advice on assembly per the instructions for the rear Ground Control kit: put both "O" rings on first, then the threaded sleeve.

I was doing one from the bottom and one from the top, problem was that the threaded sleeve kept lifting from the base washer after I put the crimp cap back on the strut:

Yeah I put scratches on my pretty sleeves, I tried four times trying to get the sleeve to sit properly, oh wells still works as it should.

Even after putting both "O" rings on then the sleeve I had a small bit of play, I just stood on the gold adjustable spring base and it slide down properly. Once you have the sleeves sitting properly and the caps back on the struts, take a moment to measure the strut rod, from the top of the cap to the top of the thicker part of the strut rod should measure about 8-3/8". You will want to make sure that both measurements are equal.

once that is done place the bump stop on the strut rod:

you are now ready to place the thrust bearing and spring assembly on the strut. Once that is done, you are ready to install the Tein rear plates. Below is a layout of how to install the various hardware pieces that came with the Ground Control kit and Tein pillow mount:

Listed hardware as it is laid out in the photo:
M-14 x 1.5 nut (had to buy)
M14 split washer (had to buy)
Shortest spacer bushing (comes with Tein pillow mount)
Bushing insert (comes with Tein pillow mount)
Tein pillow mount (comes with Tein pillow mount) duh
Medium spacer bushing (comes with Tein pillow mount)
Small washer (comes with Ground Control kit)
Large washer (comes with Ground Control kit)___________Longest spacer bushing (OEM bushing, not needed)

The top two are the replacement nut and split washer I needed to get to fit the ECS strut, yes I know they are not coated, but they are also inside the car. Also note the long silver sleeve in the lower right hand corner. That is not needed in the assembly of the rear strut system.

Once all assembled torque the top nut to 14-18 ft-lb:

Then you get the joy of adjusting the bottom spring perches to achieve the desired ride height. I would recommend 1.5"-1.75" drop are a maximum drop. Some strut travel is preferred

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Updated 09-15-2013 at 11:45 PM by 2fnloud

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