The Removal
, 03-03-2013 at 02:15 AM (4309 Views)
The plans for this overhaul were relatively simple: Full gasket set, check the bearings and heads out, new clutch, and new tranny. Unfortunately, things are already worse than anticipated, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Now I know all that rust and filth in the engine bay is very sexy, so you guys are just gonna have to try to contain yourselves over these next few pictures.
This mess on the front side of the motor is dried up oil residue about 1/8-1/4" thick.
And this lovely rusted mess would be the backside of my block, which is going to be getting a fresh coat of paint.
THis is what was left of the clutch, thankfully I have another one to put into it.
However, this would be what little bit of usable face I have left on my flywheel, which will need to be replaced and is a cost I hadn't counted on.
Adding to the disaster would be these scratches on my cam lobes. This is the worst of them, which also has scratches on the rocker arm under it, however there's 2 or 3 lobes with scratches deep enough to feel with my fingers.
Suffice to say, the cost of replacing cams, rockers and flywheel is way more than I had anticipated and forced me to liquidate other stuff to try to pay for it. Hopefully I can get the cash together to salvage it, wish I could afford to just upgrade to BC 264 cams, but that is out of my budget for now. Weighing options out between a new factory flywheel, or an aftermarket slightly lighter one. I think an ultra lightweight would be too much trouble for daily driving, but maybe something around 11.5-12 pounds would be a good compromise. Haven't even flipped the engine over to check bearings yet, not looking forward to it.