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AEM WB O2 Uego Inline install to SM3

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Bung welded to DP. Local muffler guys were funny ...said they never seen a bong like this one:

Saved myself $50 bucks by taking out the DP myself, they never seem to tighten it all up right anyway.

Afer DP install, mounted sensor and routed wire to hole under DS, slightly in front of seat.

Only needed to undo some trim and pull the wire to the side. Didn't have to cut any rug. Pretty clean set up. Make sure to add some silicon to grommet.

Mounted the controller mounting under the DS vent. Seems to work ok for now (i.e. lights can be seen with a glance and out of leg way).

Got an 1/8" plug from a local store in lieu of the wire/plug from fullthrottle. The center part is the ground. Took the time to solder this connection.

Working well...I am hoping I can splice the WB lines to input to MAFT Pro.

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Updated 12-14-2012 at 03:41 PM by Roybatty

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  1. j2k4's Avatar
    Nicely documented, Roy.

    Btw - what's a "leg way"?
  2. CoreyB's Avatar
    Nice work.
  3. Roybatty's Avatar
    Ooops hey you don't get alerts from here if there are comments. Anyhoo...Thanks. I will be updating progress here on the MAFTPro. Doesn't seem to be much interest in the thread.

    I am only wishing I had gotten in to the tuning aspect of these cars sooner...but I am paving the way for my future upgrades (injectors, 13Ts + supporting mods) and not needing to have it @ the dyno for every change in set up.
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