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Build is still going.. I promise! (Now with 300% more Mystery Boxes!) Part 2.

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(Part 2.. 10 image limit is stupid on blogs, IMO.)
(Part 1: )

(Trying to get the huge pictures off the "sneak peak" of the blog. They take up a huge amount of space.)


(almost there...)


New Fuel Pump. =)

No-name FPR:


Mystery Boxes!

Well, that's where I'm at right now...

Who can guess what is in the mystery boxes? =P

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Updated 08-03-2011 at 03:42 PM by milkshakes

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  1. DocWalt's Avatar
    hmmm... Exhaust? I hope those are DDM HIDs
  2. bassrr94's Avatar
    looks fun!
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