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VeRonic4's "new" look

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Over the past year (yes Hans and Em, it has been a year, lol) my 1993 VR-4 has been undergoing many new changes at GZP. I should probably have my own spot there by now, haha. Thought I'd start a page to post all my progress pics up and iterations of what is soon to be a finished beast. The first set of major upgrades included LMI16T-SR turbos (which were good for 306awhp at 14psi and made my life suck for a little while), Evo560cc injectors, CX-Racing FMIC, Hot-wired walbro fuel pump, greddy e-manage blue, aem wideband 02, ACT stage 2 clutch, alum lightweight flywheel, and lowering springs over oem rear and upgraded front struts. Here's a few pics of the progress for the first time I got the car back.

so after all that tearing it down and what-not, this is what she looked like.

Just recently got rims and I'm workin on tintin the taillights and corners, so I'll have pics of all of that stuff hopefully this weekend to post up. Here's a sneak peek Hans sent me on my phone today with the new rims. Let me know what you guys think!!

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  1. terrets's Avatar
    Id love to see the tails and corners tinted on a white 1g, might do it to mine depending how it looks...What are you using?
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