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I made an AngryLip

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Some of you have seen this before. But here it is again.
I decided to do a little work on my car while I waited for my turbo parts to arrive. I was messing with the lip for the past 2 years. Made 4 prototypes out of foam that I threw out. Then Cianci's lip came out and I almost gave in and just bought theirs, but it didn't have the lines that I was looking for. Not trying to knock their lip because it looks great on a Stealth, but on a 3000GT, it seemed a bit off. I wanted a 3 piece to go across the entire rear deck. So I kept working. It's still not painted, but it's close. Also moved my way to the hood to do some Angry Eyes with my 99 head lights. They came out amazing. Sorry, for all cell phone pics. Ill do a photoshoot someday.
Anyone thinking about making their own lip... DONT! Took FOREVER to get a shape that I liked. Countless hours grinding, fiberglassing, grinding some more, refiberglassing, bondo, sanding util my fingers bled... You get the picture. Forgive the messy garage. It just kept getting dirtier and dirtier. Its clean now.


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Updated 09-11-2010 at 05:55 PM by eblank8

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  10. johnnylazer's Avatar
    You have two nice looking cars. Do you ever use the fog lights ?
  11. DocWalt's Avatar
    Sexy! Your car looks great! I like the duckbill lip on Stealths, but it's kinda weird on a 3k, but yours solves that.
  12. onebadmollafolla's Avatar
    Fantastic work! Looks great!
  13. eblank8's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DocWalt
    Sexy! Your car looks great! I like the duckbill lip on Stealths, but it's kinda weird on a 3k, but yours solves that.
    Quote Originally Posted by onebadmollafolla
    Fantastic work! Looks great!
    Updated 09-11-2010 at 09:04 PM by eblank8
  14. eblank8's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnylazer
    You have two nice looking cars. Do you ever use the fog lights ?
    I used to use the fogs all the time, but one went out when I installed my HIDs. Not sure happened. Im not getting and voltage to the passenger side foglight anymore. Coincidentally, my passenger side HID went out a couple days later...
  15. Fletch's Avatar
    What type of suspension is installed? How much is that drop?
  16. x2percentmilk's Avatar
    god i just want to do dirty things to your car
  17. eblank8's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fletch
    What type of suspension is installed? How much is that drop?
    Intrax. I think it is 1.5" drop. I want to go lower, but I already can't fit on lifts without jacking the car up first..
  18. 3000gt1999's Avatar
    Looks amazing, wish i had that kind of skill.
  19. First VR4's Avatar
    Any plans on reproducing that duckbill spoiler?
  20. eblank8's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by First VR4
    Any plans on reproducing that duckbill spoiler?
    I want to sometime this winter. Cianci told me to get ahold of them about getting a mold made. I sent an email but they never responded. I'll have to figure something out on my own I guess.
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