* Members Map
* 3SGTO Car of the Month/Year
* August / September Events
* 2014 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calendar image submissions
* 2013 3S National Gathering Images - for sale.
* 3sgto T-Shirt group buy
* 3SGTO Hoodies
* Sponsors
* Miscellaneous Stuff
***** 3SGTO Members Map *****
We've added a new feature. Its not perfect and a few people are placed very wrong.
The members map is based on your registration IP. If you are in the wrong spot just grab your pin and reposition yourself.
***** 3SGTO Car of the Month *****
August voting should open soon watch for a post.
***** August / September Events *****
824/13 or 8/25/13 The MI 3S Summer Meet - Something a bit different this time - Electric Go-Karts! http://www.jdkarting.com/ Watch mi3si.org or the facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/500612243309031/ for more details
8/25/13 2013 All Mitsubishi Cookout and Car Show
9/5-8/13 2013 Blue Ridge Gathering http://www.blueridgegathering.com/
9/7/13 3S Cars and Coasters at Cedar Point http://www.3sgto.org/mid-west/12322-...ndusky-oh.html
Make sure to PM me information/links to your events so I can include them here.
***** 2014 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calendar image submissions *****
It's that time of year again.
The deadline for submissions is 9/30/2013 (ish).
Some of the submissions rules and comments may come across as harsh, but the images need to be high-quality to look nice when printed.
Submissions need to be as close to 3500 pixels wide and 2300 pixels tall as you can get. That requirement will exclude some older cameras and cell phone pictures. But, as always, I plan to print them at 17x11 so we need hi-rez - 640x480 just won't cut it and won't look good when blown up. The submission can not be highly compressed. If your picture is a jpg and it's less that 500k, please just find another - we won't be able to even consider it.
Send submissions to calendar@3sgto.org
I will review all submissions for size and image quality and reply if they are accepted or rejected. I will review submissions in batches so do not worry if it takes a little while to get a response. If you submit before 9/20 and do not hear back from me by that date PM me.
If you want to submit a picture from the official 3SNG gallery you do not have to buy if from zenfolio first. Just find the image here http://3sng.org/galleries/2013/ and send me the picture number.
A small change for this year.
The top 3 images based on popular vote will receive a $50 gift certificate from one of the 3sgto sponsors.
Staff and sponsors of 3sgto are not eligible for the prize.
***** 2013 3S National Gathering images *****
The official Images from NG13 are online and available for purchase. Their are some great images in the gallery this year. The NG only gets a small % of each sale to do what they can to keep the prints affordable for you.
Check them out here.
***** Help the NG, NG Fund Raiser *****
As some of you have read the NG is having an issue with the hotel from NG13. This has taken funds they needed to finish paying NG13 bills and start things going for NG14.
They need your help.
They have several shirts left from NG11, NG12 and NG13. Please help them out and buy one of them.
***** 3sgto T-Shirt group buy *****
Based on popular demand, I am setting up a group buy on 3sgto shirts.
I will take orders through the 16th of August. Once all orders are in I will get them printed and shipped. Expect at least two weeks between the close of the group buy and the shipping of shirts. All prices listed include shipping within the US. PM me for NON-US shipping prices.
All proceeds go to the 3S National Gathering. Click the link to order.
***** 3SGTO Hoodies *****
Fall/winter are coming - order some order now to have them when you need them

Just like the calendar, all proceeds support the NG.
***** Sponsors *****
If you run a business and would like to sell / advertise on 3sgto.org send me a PM (alan92rttt) or email (alan@3sgto.org)
***** Miscellaneous Stuff *****
As always, a huge thank you to all of the members for making 3sgto.org and 3sg.org a success. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Holiday season.
We just need to keep posting interesting content so new users will stay. I think our classifieds section is growing nicely. Remember if you do not want to go through the verification process you can sell as "not verified". If you are buying from someone that is "not verified" please take extra care - we may not have any information on file for them.
If you are waiting for verification please feel free to join the "not verified" group so you can sell while you wait for verification.
Please be sure to read this link that details what verification is and is not http://www.3sgto.org/f77/what-does-v...mean-1324.html
Did you know we had and FAQ forum? http://www.3sgto.org/f77/
PS If you ever have any ideas on how to make the site better please let me know.