Hello, Happy New year and welcome to another wonderful and exciting newsletter. (ok... not so exciting ;-) )
A few forum statics for the new year:
Threads 10,701
Posts 211,822
Members 3,707
Projects 38 (hey use this feature its a great place for build threads)
* 3SGTO Car of the Month/Year
* January Events.
* 2013 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calendar
* 3SGTO Hoodies
* Classifieds Verification
***** 3SGTO Car of the Month *****
First lets congratulate our December winner Tom "93STLTH" Eckhardt for a win in the "All 3/S/GTO" category.
Then lets congratulate our January winner Toni for a win in the "All 3/S/GTO" category.
2012 Car of the year voting is now open http://www.3sgto.org/f6/vote-2012-car-year-10926.html
Please head over to the thread and vote. Please take the time to read the entries and vote for the best car their are some nice prizes on the line. Please don't just vote for the popular guys vote for the best car.
Have opinions on the COTM categories post them here http://www.3sgto.org/f6/2013-car-mon...ons-10829.html
***** January Events *****
Anything scheduled for January or February? Make sure to PM me information/links to your events so I can include them here.
***** 2013 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calendar *****
The 3S National Gathering has released the 2013 3/S/GTO calendar. It's got at least one true GTO in it this year. Some great images this year.
You can find details here http://www.3sgto.org/f2/2013-3000gt-...now-10480.html
Of just go straight to their cafepress store. http://www.cafepress.com/3sng
As always all proceeds goto support the NG.
***** 3SGTO Hoodies *****
New weather appropriate items added.
Just like the calendar all proceeds goto support the NG.
***** Sponsors *****
If you run a business and would like to sell / advertise on 3sgto.org send me a PM(alan92rttt) or email (alan@3sgto.org)
***** Miscellaneous Stuff *****
As always huge thank you to all of the members for making 3sgto.org and 3sg.org a success. I hope every has a happy and safe holiday season.
We just need to keep posting interesting content so new users will stay. I think our classifieds section is growing nicly. Remember if you do not want to go through the verification process you can sell as "not verified". If you are buying from someone that is "not verified" please take extra care we may not have any information on file for them.
If you are waiting for verification please feel free to join the "not verified" group so you can sell while you wait for verification.
Please be sure to read this link that details what verification is and is not http://www.3sgto.org/f77/what-does-v...mean-1324.html
Did you know we had and FAQ forum? http://www.3sgto.org/f77/
PS If you ever have any ideas on how to make the site better please let me know.
169 days Until the 2013 3S National Gathering