• August 2012 Newsletter

    July Newsletter

    * Auguest Events.
    * September Events.
    * 2013 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calandar picture submissions
    * 3S National Gathering
    * 3SGTO Car of the Month
    * Classifieds Verification

    ***** Auguest Events *****
    8th Annual North East Gathering - 2012
    Dates: August 9, 2012 to August 12, 2012
    As 3sgto.org is proud to be a sponsor of the NEG for 2012.

    MI3SI Summer Picnic
    Dates: August 26, 2012 2pm - 7pm @ Xcellerated Peformance

    ***** September Events *****
    Were discussing a possiable Cedar Point trip at the end of september(Sunday the 30th) Watch the forums for more details.

    If you run a 3S event please contact me (alan@3sgto.org) I may be able to send some prizes to your event.

    ***** 2013 3000GT / Stealth / GTO Calandar picture submissions *****
    Its that time of year again.

    Deadline 9/30/2012 (ish)

    Some of the submissions rules and comments may come across as harsh. But the images need to be high-quality to look nice when printed.

    Submissions need to be as close to 3500 pixels wide and 2300 pixels tall as you can get. Yes that will exclude some older cameras and cell phone pictures. But as always I plan to print them at 17x11 so we need hi-rez. 640x480 is not "close".

    The submission can not be highly compressed. If your picture is a jpg and its less that 500k don't even bother sending it.

    Send submissions to calendar@3sgto.org

    I will review all submissions for size and image quality and reply if they are accepted or rejected. I will review submissions in batches so do not worry if it takes a while to get a response. If you submit before 9/15 and do not hear back from be by that date PM me.

    If you were at the NG look for your car in the official pictures you may find one good enough to submit.

    ***** 3S National Gathering *****
    If you missed the event their are several great threads with good pictures and video being posted.

    Check them out and post up any you may have.

    The official NG photos are up on the NG's Zenfolio account. Toni has also donated his pictures to the NG and have been uploaded as well. http://3snationalgathering.zenfolio.com/f561644792 The NG does not make alot on image sales but each one does help fund the event.

    If you just want to share/link pictures the NG has all the pictuers in one convient gallery http://www.3sng.org/2012/

    Lori has been teasing us with the location/dates for NG13 in this thread.

    ***** 3SGTO Car of the Month *****
    First lets congratulate our July winner Dan "Madog" Dillon for a win in the "ALL 3/S/GTOs" category.

    Auguest 2012's Car of the Month category is 200k+ miles!
    This poll will close on 08-09-2012 at 09:45 PM

    Vote soon time is runing out.

    Septembers category will be Best Interior. Can anyone challenge Toni?

    ***** Classifieds Verification *****
    Their are many verifications hanging waiting for final approval. Most of these are wanting for a response from you. Because of the way that the verification forum works I can not post a regular reply in your thread. I have to edit your post and leave a note in it. If you applied and have not been verified keep checking your thread to see if I have left a note.

    We don't get that many verification requests so I only do them once a week at this point.

    ***** Sponsors *****
    I want to thank Ray and Steve from Pampena Motorsports for rejoining 3sgto as a sponsor.

    If you run a business and would like to sell / advertise on 3sgto.org send me a PM(alan92rttt) or email (alan@3sgto.org)

    As always huge thank you to all of the members for making 3sgto.org and 3sg.org a success.


    PS If you ever have any ideas on how to make the site better please let me know.