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  1. Scentsploration tour: Round 1 - Just starting out with Cologne

    Practically nobody will see this, so this is more of a journal than a message to pass along. But if my layperson take on the topic helps--I'm glad.

    I got genuinely interested in cologne within the past couple years, and finally bit the bullet and started buying a lot more bottles. It really started with a sample of Davidoff's Cool Water & Champion. I had no idea about what notes were, which notes I preferred, what top notes, heart and base are, what sillage and maceration are, ...

    Updated 11-21-2023 at 10:27 AM by IPD

  2. Part 2

  3. 91 VR4 restoration/Engine build/Engine coatings

  4. Dougal's 1995 Mitsubishi Magna 6G72TT conversion project

    Hello everyone,

    I bought a half cut Mitsubishi GTO in 2010-11 and decided to do the unthinkable and install that into the Magna.
    Took nearly 8 years and required scrapping a 4 Cyl TR Magna (first attempt at the conversion) to make this work!

    The start of this conversion began at a time when my dad was going through chemo-therapy and i was hauling his ass back and forth to hospital as his full time carer.
    Unfortunately my father did not survive the intense ...

    Updated 02-17-2017 at 02:27 AM by Dougal

    Tags: 1*17, g3hu245e Add / Edit Tags
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  5. Proper build !!

    What to have my 95 Vr4 with I believe can be a complete car what to keep it single turbo, take a little weight of if it and sharpen the suspension so it would handle and feel even more of a supercar my goal is to get a reliable 550-600 hp to the wheels I think that's plenty to keep it balanced and decent power follow me as this build progresses
    Tags: 1*17, sbekxqwd Add / Edit Tags
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