View Full Version : Diablo 2

01-18-2012, 10:14 PM
ok steven, now we have a dedicated thread to discuss all matters of geekdom.

per your questions:

dude who scammed me (dwsurfer92 or whatever) tried to act like my friend by offering me gear. i picked it up and dropped my old gear on the ground, where he grabbed it. now normally i don't have a big problem with that, but he also managed to get me to drop my zon torch & a maras by promising me an s-torch. in the end, he got me for a maras, a zon torch, a shako & an occy.

fortunately, i DO have at least 1 friend online, who has today hooked me up with an storch. (he also helped me out with hoz, arach, dracs and a few other things). i've given him some t-keys a goblin toe, a java gc & some 20 lifer sc's. so far he appears to be on the level. it's always a bit more fun when you have trustworthy people around that you can exchange gear with. makes the hunting a LOT easier.

i have a level 82 lit sorc & a level 82 hamster (hammerdin/smiter). i didn't even want to make another lit sorc, but until i get a nigma, i can't bot with my hamster for shit.

01-18-2012, 10:22 PM
Damn, that sucks.

I was going to make a lit sorc, but I never got around to leveling it.

I haven't played since summer, but I did log in a few days ago to get my chars back.

You should make something on USWest and it might get me to start playing again. I can hook you up with shit too.

01-18-2012, 10:29 PM
Damn, that sucks.

I was going to make a lit sorc, but I never got around to leveling it.

I haven't played since summer, but I did log in a few days ago to get my chars back.

You should make something on USWest and it might get me to start playing again. I can hook you up with shit too.

they reset the ladder in october. i play ladder. and i stick to US east because i'll be playing from europe. you should migrate. :)

01-18-2012, 11:40 PM
ok steven, now we have a dedicated thread to discuss all matters of geekdom.

per your questions:

dude who scammed me (dwsurfer92 or whatever) tried to act like my friend by offering me gear. i picked it up and dropped my old gear on the ground, where he grabbed it. now normally i don't have a big problem with that, but he also managed to get me to drop my zon torch & a maras by promising me an s-torch. in the end, he got me for a maras, a zon torch, a shako & an occy.

Was it this guy?

Twitpic / NJSurf92 (http://twitpic.com/photos/NJSurf92)

If it is, his name is Kris Avalon.

01-19-2012, 01:31 AM
Bahahaha, Time to troll his ass.

01-19-2012, 01:39 AM
I used to play.

Think I still have my lvl 99 barb fully geared on europe with the best stuff. should sell him for $ but cnba.

01-19-2012, 05:09 AM
Haven't played in long... I was beta on both D1 and D2 (As Valhalla, I was #2 on Diablo's Most Wanted for 2+ years, that code stealing little bastard BobaFett was #1). I log on to East now and then to keep the account, still have my big bowazon (DancezWithSheep, level 97, I believe I hit for about 27k with a guided, and over 20k with a multi on closed) with godly everything, and some mules. I was one of the few to enjoy Techwarrior's "Hostile anywhere" dat for the few hours it worked... That was great fun.

I admit to popping more than a few players of their hard earned stuff one way or another, but never in trade.

I pretty much just dueled for the last few years I did play.

I'll prolly do D3 if it ever comes out.

01-19-2012, 07:10 AM
Got a 91ish fana/zeal pally that will NOT die in pve, lots of fun but sucks at dueling. Has all the goodies. I should play again!

01-19-2012, 07:39 AM
Was it this guy?

Twitpic / NJSurf92 (http://twitpic.com/photos/NJSurf92)

If it is, his name is Kris Avalon.

i honestly don't know jack shit about him. that said, if that's really his twitter, i'm amazed he hasn't put anything about his "mad tyte d2 skillz"?

01-19-2012, 08:28 AM
Best days for me in D2 was in 1.10-1.11 when there was a community that hosted "legit pvp". The most powerful runewords where restricted so rare stuff was the shit. Rare bows especially. One rare bow on europe was sold for 700* 3/20/20 which is probably the most expensive item ever sold in D2 history :D Huge tournaments was arranged regularly. D2 took a whole new perspective. Making up tactics, practicing together with your clan etc. Was a blast. Eventually it died out though in 1.13 or so. Guess the boys grew up and had other things to prioritize like school career etc. And yes I was a huge D2 nerd/fanatic 8)

01-19-2012, 10:56 AM
I played D2 quite a bit in middle and high school. After I quit WoW last year I tried to get back into it. Rolled an Amazon which I had never played past the high teens before as I was always partial to Sorcs and Paladins. I think I got her to 30something before I lost interest again. That was about three months ago so I might have gotten her deleted. :(

01-19-2012, 11:08 AM
I played D2 quite a bit in middle and high school. After I quit WoW last year I tried to get back into it. Rolled an Amazon which I had never played past the high teens before as I was always partial to Sorcs and Paladins. I think I got her to 30something before I lost interest again. That was about three months ago so I might have gotten her deleted. :(

B-net will tell you a char has expired, but when you click on it, it will come back. Don't write the char off if it says it's deleted.

01-19-2012, 11:26 AM
Sweet. I was just starting to get that character some gear. Starting a Zon as your first character really sucks. Very gear-dependant class.

01-19-2012, 02:59 PM
I love my bowzon, its freaking OP with the FAITH

01-19-2012, 03:02 PM
I love my bowzon, its freaking OP with the FAITH

Yeah, it's just the first 40 levels that are so frustrating when you don't have any supporting gear. Takes 5-6 shots to kill the lowliest of monsters.

SC2 and Tribes: Ascend beta is keeping me busy ATM anyway. :D

01-19-2012, 03:23 PM
How are you liking the Tribes beta?

01-19-2012, 05:47 PM
How are you liking the Tribes beta?

I never played the first Tribes, and I'm not very experienced in FPSs, but my first impression of Tribes: Ascend is very good. I like jetpacks and skiing but as intuitive as the skiing/momentum system for this game is it takes a lot of getting used to. So far I've only played Capture the Flag and Rabbit missions but the game looks very promising.

I haven't unlocked any of the other classes yet so I can't comment on class diversity.

01-19-2012, 06:18 PM
i honestly don't know jack shit about him. that said, if that's really his twitter, i'm amazed he hasn't put anything about his "mad tyte d2 skillz"?

Well, he did brag about surviving a car accident by saying, "I survived this motherfuxkers!"...so there's that.

01-19-2012, 07:29 PM
Yeah, it's just the first 40 levels that are so frustrating when you don't have any supporting gear. Takes 5-6 shots to kill the lowliest of monsters.

SC2 and Tribes: Ascend beta is keeping me busy ATM anyway. :D

grush ftmfw. i went from level 19 to level 73 in 1 night. :)

01-19-2012, 07:41 PM
grush ftmfw. i went from level 19 to level 73 in 1 night. :)

Yeah but that's the easy way out. I feel like rushing takes the fun out of the game.

01-19-2012, 07:59 PM
perhaps. i seem to always start with a lit sorc, since i can't bot very well with anything else until i buy nigma.

01-25-2012, 06:28 PM
well i finally got an ebugged gloom for my merc & a decent gloom for my sorc. i've been trying to get HR's...but it seems that this reset has made everything VERY, VERY pricey. like a dude saying that a 20/18/7 anni was worth 3 ber or something crazy like that. i can't even get a 10/10/5. i did find a perfect sup wyrmhide yesterday, but i dunno how long it's gonna take to sell it for what it's worth (at least a ber/jah, imho).

01-25-2012, 10:20 PM
I have tons of HRs

Post via Tapatalk

01-26-2012, 07:26 AM
I have tons of HRs

Post via Tapatalk

so tell me how i can convert the 749 pul, um & mal i have into ber, jah, etc---without cubing them & doing it the hard way.

01-26-2012, 09:03 AM
drop them all on the ground, leave and never come back.

01-26-2012, 11:33 AM

01-26-2012, 11:37 AM
I don't even touch ruins if they aren't 60+

01-26-2012, 11:38 AM
Give them to me.

01-26-2012, 12:21 PM
I don't even touch ruins if they aren't 60+

rofl. that means that you don't even bother with vex/ohm/lo? rofl.

01-26-2012, 12:37 PM
Nope. They aren't worth much when you trade for the best items in the game.

01-26-2012, 01:46 PM
Nope. They aren't worth much when you trade for the best items in the game.

My Amazon is currently wearing Ral/Ort/Tal. :(

01-26-2012, 05:23 PM
Nope. They aren't worth much when you trade for the best items in the game.

well aren't you special? :p

01-28-2012, 06:57 PM
found my 1st pcomb today. it's clean...but still, i'm amazed at the lowball offers. had 2 people offer me an ist. wtf?

01-29-2012, 04:32 AM
Haha I used to be an avid player after the initial big patch eliminated hex charms, white rings, and the like. I still have screenshots of everything that I sold on eBay: mules from MF runs, RW's, and various accounts. I used to track and solo hunt "Uber" Diablo repeatedly too. IIRC, it was "IRC chat" that linked other users that were targeting a specific IP and SoJ count. I sold everything and successfully cashed out right before the first noteworthy ladder merger with their specific RW's and items.

Here are a few shots that I found after quickly looking through the bunch:

This was my Diablo clone hunter "Zealadin" setup for 3.5-5.2k damage: